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Jul 22, 2016 · During the Belgian revolt, the French speaking part took control of the country. Almost the entire nobility today is of Walloon origin. Many Belgians say there is only one Belgian: the king himself. Everybody else is either Walloon or Flemish. Of course the Dutch suggested that the Dutch speaking population should become Dutch.
Jul 21, 2016 · Belgium was created by the British to prevent France having access to the harbours in Northern Europe, and in particular Antwerp (Anvers). Now, it was my understanding that Begium resulted from the ( de facto at the end of the 16th Century and de jure at the end of the 80 years wars in the mid-17th Century) separation of the Netherlands from the Spanish Low-Lands.
This raises the chance that Germany, may instead have been trying a country expansion or a conquest just like they did with Alsace and Lorraine. There is one other chance, which is whether Germany attacked Belgium because they had a treaty with Britain where if they were attacked Britain would step in (Britain were in the triple entente).
Germany finally got modern Tanzania and Namibia, Belgium (Congo), and Italy Libya and Ethiopia (the latter only in 1935). Germany also tried to expand in Eastern and Southern Europe. It created the "Berlin to Baghdad" railroad around the time of World War I, and tried to help allies Austria-Hungary and Turkey expand in the Balkans and Middle East, while conquering Poland and Ukraine from Russia in World War I.
Nov 2, 2016 · The components, including colours, divisions and symbols, are selected from a limited palette. Many of the symbols have become stylised – they are not realistic portrayals of the original object. The famous fleur-de-lis ⚜ is an excellent example. The lion is just another example of a symbol that has become a caricature of the original form.
Mar 13, 2018 · From the point common to the three frontiers of Belgium, Holland, and Germany and in a southerly direction: the north-eastern boundary of the former territory of neutral Moresnet then the eastern boundary of the Kreis of Eupen, then the frontier between Belgium and the Kreis of Montjoie, then the northeastern and eastern boundary of the Kreis of Malmedy to its junction with the frontier of Luxemburg.
Feb 20, 2021 · In general, the Celts did not write down their own histories; so, most of what we know about them comes from the histories of Rome and their interactions with them. The terms most people use today to talk about the Celts are mostly based on what would eventually become the Roman names for the territories where they lived, and not so much the names of the individual kingdoms.
May 7, 2016 · The Spaniard did have some influence as they "introduced" Roman Catholicism to that area. The Belgium and Netherlands split because of the Protestant-Catholic divide. So that is one of the influences. I do think there are more things, so I wouldn't consider making this an answer yet. Maybe when I find out more I will. –
Jul 28, 2020 · In France, these were represented by the so-called "forbidden zones" (to French in migration) on the occupation map (dark red) in Lorraine, eastern France, and the French-Belgium border. A successful war would have weakened France and Russia, eliminated Serbia, (and possibly Belgium) and cowed Britain and Italy (even if the latter remained neutral)
Wallachia (home of the Vlachs), represented the outer limit or Roman expansion. The name of their country, Romania, is a take-off on Roman, and their language is recognizably derived from Latin. In these regards, Romania is the most "Latin" country in the Balkans, and in fact outside of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.