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  2. Jan 14, 2020 · Srimad Bhagavatam describes Brahman as eternal light of Shri Krishna, and Paramatma is antaryami rupa by which he pervades in all life forms. While appearance is different, Krishna when he pervades in all life forms, he's the Paramatma and in his own nature without anything is Parabrahma swaroopa.

  3. Sep 6, 2013 · Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely Brahman, or the impersonal all-pervasive spirit; Paramātmā, or the localized aspect of the Supreme within the heart of all living entities; and Bhagavān, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Kṛṣṇa.

  4. Mar 14, 2015 · Aatma means Causal body, which is reflection created out of Paramatma, under the viels of ignorance/Maya. Paramatma/Brahman is Nirvikalp reality, that reflects into Aatma(individual soul). The difference between Aatma and Brahman can only be removed through Brahman Gyan, which leads to Kaivalya Moksha(non-dual union) as explained in Shiv Geeta.

  5. Dec 17, 2019 · (1) brahmam or brahman (not brahma deva) The non-differentiated (FORMLESS) NIRGUNA aspect of the SUPREME PERSON is known as Brahman or Brahmam. This all-pervading spiritual aspect stands as the support for all the worlds, and whatever exists is known to be of Brahmam only in its various manifestations.

  6. Apr 15, 2022 · In this way, the same God is reflected within the hearts of all living entities as Paramatma or supersoul. Hence Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are 3 aspects of the Supreme. Brahman and Paramatma are partial whereas Bhagavan is the complete realization of the Supreme truth.

  7. › wiki › ParamatmanParamatman - Wikipedia

    The Jivatman and the Paramatman are known to be one and the same when the Jivatman attains the true knowledge of the Brahman (Sanskrit Brahmajñāna). In the context of Advaita, the word Paramatman is invariably used to refer to Nirguna Brahman, with Ishvara and Bhagavan being terms used to refer to Brahman with qualities, or Saguna Brahman.

  8. Feb 28, 2019 · A tree that falls in a desolate forest indeed makes a sound, because Paramatma is there to perceive. In the same style of comparison, Parabrahman is superior to Brahman. The individual sparks of spirit, the collective atma, are Brahman, but there is always a source. Parabrahman is everything.