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  2. Dec 28, 2020 · Sections 135 to 166 of the Indian Evidence Act describe the examination of witnesses, including crucial aspects such as, for example, who may first interview the witnesses during the examination of the witnesses, what are the relevant facts agreed during the examination of the witnesses, what questions can be raised by the advocate during the ...

    • Introduction
    • Examination of Witnesses Under Crpc
    • Order of Production and Examination of Witnesses
    • Exclusion of Witnesses from The Courtroom
    • Delayed Examination of A Witness
    • Admission and Evaluation of Witness Statements
    • Judge to Decide as to Admissibility of Evidence
    • Examination in Chief
    • Examination in Chief Questions
    • Cross Examination in Civil Cases in India

    Examination of witnesses isan important principle in which witness take a stand of his or her words. For the protection of the integrity of the evidence. It isa very important part of a criminal and civil trial. It is not important only for law students, it is also important for practising lawyers to know the art and law related to examination of w...

    Section 135 of Indian Evidence Actdeals with the examination of witnesses present. In the Code of Criminal Procedure Section 311 empowers the court to summon a material witness, or to examine a person present at “any stage” of “any enquiry”, or “trial”, or “any other proceedings” under Crpc, or to summon any person as a witness, or to recall and re...

    It is a lawyer’s privilege to check the order in which he examines the witnesses. According to the experience and skill witnesses are arranged. Prosecutor has the freedom to produce his witnesses in order which he likes. Section 135 of the Indian Evidence Act gives the power to the court to command or order in which the witnesses may be produced.

    When the party starts the examination of witnesses of the evidence then the other witnesses must be kept out of the Courtroom. When the examination of one witness is completed then the next witness is called for the examination. And witness whose examination is completed, are not allowed to remain in the courtroom. If the witness remains present in...

    If the examination of prosecution witnesses delayed then defence can not put any question to the investigation officer, the accused had no right to contend that there was a delay in recording the statement of prosecution’s witness and his evidence should be viewed with suspicion. It is not a universal rule of application that the testimony of a wit...

    Evaluation of the testimony of a witness

    After the examination of witnesses by the court, the opportunity must be given to the party or parties for making observations. The observations may be made in writing after transmission of the minutes of taking of evidence which is exceptional or either in oral proceedings following the taking of evidence. The efficient department will be decided on this matter. The parties may file requests accordingly. Efficient department decide the matter of proceed to evaluate the evidence only when a w...

    Relevance of the Testimony

    During the examination of a witness when the witness gives the statement under oath, the statement of the witness must be relevant to the case. At the end of the examination of witnesses, the Judge of the court decides the relevancy of the testimony of the witness and admit the statement of the witnesses.

    Reliability of the Testimony

    Statement of the witness which are given during the examination of witnesses must be true under oath, and at last the Judge of the court decide the reliability of the testimony of the witness and admit the statement of the witnesses.

    Judges have the power under Section 136 of Indian Evidence Act for the admissibility of evidence in the examination of witnesses and also check the statement of the witnesses which is given by the witnesses during the examination of witnesses that is relevant or irrelevant. Relevant evidence decided by the judges on the basis of In assessing an obs...

    Examination in chief is defined under Section 137 of the Indian Evidence Act, when the party calls a witness in the examination of witnesses that is called examination in chief. Examination in chief is the first examination of witnesses after the oath. It is the state in which party called a witness for examining him in chief for the purpose of eli...

    There would be general questions asked in the examination in chief which is related to the facts of the evidence no leading questions are asked in the examination in chief. Leading questions are asked only in cross examination and re examination, first of all, prosecutor ask the question in the examination in chief in the criminal trial.

    All the witnesses in civil cases which are produced or examined by the court on the wish of parties must be presented before the court within 15 days from the date on which issues are framed or within such other period as the court may fix. Then parties have to file a list of witnesses in the suit. After that court can ask the witnesses for examina...

    • Examination of witness. Examination of a witness is asking the witness questions regarding relevant facts in the case and recording the statements of witnesses as evidence.
    • Examination of non-witness. Section 139. Apart from witness testimonies, there are numerous other forms of evidence admissible in the Court of law. Documentary evidence as described in Section 3(2)(e) of the act is one of them.
    • Leading Questions. While examining, cross-examining, or re-examining a witness, the parties must refrain from asking leading questions. Leading questions have been described in Section 141 of the Act as- any question that suggests the answer which the person questioning expects to receive.
    • Oral evidence of written documents. Section 144 states that any witness may be asked questions regarding the contents of a document or contract that is not present in the document.
  3. Order of Examination. The preceding section defines the various stages of examination of witness. Section 138 of the Act, lays down the order in which a witness is to be examined. Section 138 says: 138. Order of examinations.-

  4. In a judicial proceeding or a trial, the examination of witness is a crucial part to discover the truth and to validate the veracity of the witness. In Indian Evidence Law, cross-examination is termed as questioning of a witness called by the opponent (party).

  5. Jan 24, 2020 · The order of the examination of the witness is laid down is Section 138. The witness shall be first examined in examination in chief, then cross examined and then re examined. Section 139 states that a person does not become a witness by a mere fact that he produces the document and cannot be cross examined. What is a leading question?

  6. The art of examination is where witness will be questioned to get the statement or truth which will be favourable to decide the case. An examination of the witness is done to find the truth or to check the veracity of the facts said by the witness.