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  1. In the field of sociology, charismatic authority is a concept of organizational leadership wherein the authority of the leader derives from the personal charisma of the leader. In the tripartite classification of authority, the sociologist Max Weber contrasts charismatic authority (character, heroism, leadership, religious) against two other ...

  2. Aug 26, 2022 · Definition. The type of authority known as charismatic authority is built on a followers affective or emotional engagement. It is based on the conviction that the leader has unique personality traits. It is one of the three primary categories of legitimate power that Max Weber distinguished.

    • Charismatic Authority Definition
    • Examples of Charismatic Authority
    • Other Figures Worth Considering
    • Conclusion

    The phrase charismatic authority is made up of two component words – charisma, and authority, each of which merits a brief discussion before moving forward.

    1. Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ’s life was extraordinary, as is to be expected of the founder of the world’s largest religion. While a considerable body of myth, fable, and hagiography has accumulated around the biography of Jesus over the last two millennia, what can be said with certainty about the historical Jesus was that he had a dynamic personality and leadership qualitiesthat inspired fierce loyalty among those who came in contact with him. This helped him acquire a small but devoted following in Jerusal...

    2. Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte ( 1769 – 1821) was a French military leader who is regarded as one of the foremost generals and empire builders in history. The speed with which Napoleon rose to prominence and brought to submission much of Europe was testament to command an army of loyal followers. The empire Napoleon built collapsed soon after him, underscoring the fact that the authority he wielded was not based on tradition, such as royal lineage, or on rational-legal institutional structures capable of...

    3. Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler is probably the most notorious public figure in history, but a figure who embodies the power of charismatic authority. During his meteoric rise in inter-war Germany, Hitler rose from near anonymity as an ordinary soldier to command the impassioned loyalty of a section of the German population. He achieved this through the force of his personality. Hitler presented himself as the embodiment of wounded German national pride itself, transcending his human frailties and shortcomings,...

    Fidel Castro
    Winston Churchill
    Volodymyr Zelensky

    The German sociologist Max Weber (1864 – 1920)classified authority in society as being of three types – charismatic, traditional, and rational-legal. Charismatic authority is the version that can be defined as the legitimate domination that a person has over others on account of his or her individual personality traits which are perceived as being ...

  3. Feb 20, 2021 · Charismatic authority is power legitimized on the basis of a leaders exceptional personal qualities, or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment, which inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. In contrast to the current popular use of the term charismatic leader, Weber saw charismatic authority not so much as ...

  4. Charismatic authority is a form of leadership where a person's authority is derived from their personal qualities, such as exceptional abilities, heroism, or exemplary character, rather than formal position or traditional legitimacy.

  5. Overview. Charismatic authority, unlike traditional authority, is a revolutionary and unstable form of authority. Weber borrows the religious term of charisma and extends its use to a secular meaning.

  6. Charismatic authority is a form of leadership where the authority of a leader is derived from their personal charm, magnetism, or exceptional qualities that inspire loyalty and devotion from followers.