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There are several distinct, key XPath concepts in play here... Absolute vs relative XPaths (/ vs .) / introduces an absolute location path, starting at the root of the document.. introduces a relative location path, starting at the context node. Named element vs any element (ename vs *) /ename selects an ename root element
Jan 30, 2015 · XPATH/.. or XPATH/parent::* will select the parent nodes of the nodes selected by XPATH, but often it is better to simply select the parent directly without descending first to its child. See how below .
Jun 15, 2018 · if you are using AND in xpath where the two elements have same class class name then it will return 2 matching elements. //li[@class='tab-head' and @class='tab-head'] if you are using AND in xpath where the two elements have different class class name then it will return 0 matching elements. //li[@class='tab-head' and @class='tab-head on']
I do strongly suspect this may fix it however, as the fact that your XPath engine seems to be trying to interpret if as a function, where it is in fact a special construct of the language. Finally, to point out the obvious, insure that your XPath engine does in fact support XPath 2.0 (as opposed to an earlier version)!
I am new to using XPath and this may be a basic question. Kindly bear with me and help me in resolving the issue. I have an XML file like this: <RootNode> <FirstChild> <Element attribute1="abc" attribute2="xyz">Data</Element> <FirstChild> </RootNode> I can validate the presence of an <Element> tag with:
Dec 30, 2015 · I have this logic which gets the current page's title first clicks on next button, fetches the title again and if both the titles are the same, meaning navigation has not moved to the next page, it
The context node, against which the XPath expression is evaluated is the parent of all tr elements -- not shown in your question. Each tr element has only one td with class attribute valued 'name' and only one td with class attribute valued 'desc'.
Modern answer that covers XPath 1.0 vs XPath 2.0+ behavior ... This XPath, //*[contains(text(),'ABC')] behaves differently with XPath 1.0 and later versions of XPath (2.0+). Common behavior //* selects all elements within a document. [] filters those elements according to the predicate expressed therein.
The reason the phrase "the XPath" triggers me is that XPath isn't an identifier scheme; it's a query language. An XPath query evaluated in the context of a web page can return an item or set of items in that page, but the same set of items could be returned by many other XPath expressions (infinitely many, in fact).
"Note also, index values in XPath predicates (technically, 'proximity positions' of XPath node sets) start from 1, not 0 as common in languages like C and Java." – Ivan Chau Commented May 26, 2021 at 6:11