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  1. People also ask

  2. Nov 5, 2021 · A declarative sentence is one of the four sentence types in the English language, along with interrogative sentences, exclamatory sentences, and imperative sentences. Each one serves a unique function; for declarative sentences, their function is to communicate information directly.

  3. Declarative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense. What is the function of a declarative sentence? The usual function (job) of a declarative sentence is to make a statement. It tells us something or gives information (as opposed to a question which asks us something or wants information). Look at these examples: Snow ...

    • Declarative Sentence (statement) Declarative sentences make a statement. They tell us something. They give us information, and they normally end with a full-stop/period.
    • Interrogative Sentence (question) Interrogative sentences ask a question. They ask us something. They want information, and they always end with a question mark.
    • Imperative Sentence (command) Imperative sentences give a command. They tell us to do something, and they end with a full-stop/period (.) or exclamation mark/point (!).
    • Exclamative Sentence (exclamation) Exclamative sentences express strong emotion/surprise—an exclamation—and they always end with an exclamation mark/point (!).
  4. Pearls melt in vinegar. A declarative sentence does not ask a question, give an order, or express strong emotion. So, these are not declarative sentences: Do you like cheese? (This is a question. It is an interrogative sentence.) Pass the cheese. (This gives an order. It is an imperative sentence.) I hate cheese! (This expresses strong emotion.

  5. Sep 7, 2022 · Declarative sentences might often have a linear progress that follows the word order subject > verb > object > place > time according to the information the writer wishes to convey. Declarative sentences also always end with a period (as opposed to a question mark or an exclamation point).

  6. Mar 28, 2024 · Understanding the Function of Declarative Sentences. Declarative sentences carry enormous significance in our day-to-day communication. Their primary role is to convey information and facts in a clear and coherent manner, serving as the foundation for most written and spoken discourse.