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  1. Student learning outcomes (SLOs) are the specified knowledge, skills, abilities or attitudes that students are expected to attain by the end of a learning experience or program of study.

  2. Program student learning outcomes (SLOs) are clear, concise statements that describe how students can demonstrate their mastery of program goals (Allen, 2008). These statements identify the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students will be able to demonstrate, represent, or produce upon successful completion of the program.

  3. A Student Learning Outcome (SLO) is a statement regarding knowledge, skills, and/or traits students should gain or enhance as a result of their engagement in an academic program. SLOs are the items that complete the sentence, “When they complete our program, students will be able to.....”

  4. A Student Learning Outcome (SLO) states what students will know, understand, and be able to do as a result of an educational experience. Follow these guidelines to create SLOs for educational experiences, in programs, courses, and co-curricular activities.

  5. What are Student Learning Outcomes? Student learning outcomes (SLO) describe the knowledge, skills, and dispositions (i.e., values and attitudes) students are expected to develop by the end of a program or other learning experience. SLOs are critical components of an assessment plan. This document primarily refers

  6. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are measurable skills and/or attitudes that students acquire upon successful completion of a course or program. SLOs provide a quantitative way for faculty to assess whether or not students have mastered the course learning outcomes. More information about how to write effective SLOs may be found in Section 2.1.

  7. Student learning objectives (SLOs) are measurable tasks or outcomes that students must demonstrate after completing an assessment or module in a course. Student learning objectives should be narrow and specific, which makes them different from course goals, while course goals should be broader and focus on broader learning outcomes.