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    • UseAcrylic": true, "acrylicOpacity": 0.5

      • Under the list section, select the profile (app) to set the acrylic background. For example, under "commandline": "powershell.exe" insert a comma (,) at the end of the line, and copy and paste the following lines: "useAcrylic": true, "acrylicOpacity": 0.5
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  2. Mar 26, 2021 · To enable acrylic transparency, you can define the useAcrylic boolean property, along with the opacity which is a number to specify the transparency between 0 and 100. I am configuring the opacity/transparency in Windows Terminal. Here's an example:

    • How to set acrylic background in PowerShell?1
    • How to set acrylic background in PowerShell?2
    • How to set acrylic background in PowerShell?3
    • How to set acrylic background in PowerShell?4
    • How to set acrylic background in PowerShell?5
  3. May 26, 2021 · You will be able to set blurred transparency to the Windows Terminal background by making some minor changes to its settings file. You can also choose if you want to set acrylic...

  4. Mar 6, 2023 · Customize windows PowerShell in windows terminal with Oh My Posh ️‍🔥 Since we added the Acrylic effect and applied a compatible Caskaydia cove font. Next, install the Oh my Post prompt.

    • Overview
    • Text
    • Retro terminal effects
    • Cursor
    • Background images and icons
    • Transparency
    • Window
    • Color settings
    • Unfocused appearance settings
    • Pixel shader effects

    The settings listed below affect the visual settings of each profile separately. If you'd like a setting to apply to all of your profiles, you can add it to the defaults section above the list of profiles in your settings.json file.

    Color scheme

    This is the name of the color scheme used in the profile. Color schemes are defined in the schemes object. More detailed information can be found on the Color schemes page. In addition to a single color scheme name, this property can accept a pair of color scheme names as follows: When specified in this manner, the Terminal will automatically switch between the two given color schemes depending on the theme of the application. The Terminal will follow the theme.applicationTheme property of the Terminal's selected theme. If that applicationTheme is set to system, then this will instead use the color scheme matching the OS theme. Property name: colorScheme Necessity: Optional Accepts: Name of color scheme as a string, or an object with a light and dark property Default value: "Campbell"


    This is the structure within which the other font settings must be defined. An example of what this could look like in the JSON file is shown below. Property name: font Necessity: Optional

    Font face

    This is the name of the font face used in the profile. The terminal will try to fallback to Consolas if this can't be found or is invalid. To learn about the other variants of the default font, Cascadia Mono, visit the Cascadia Code page. Property name: face (defined within the font object) Necessity: Optional Accepts: Font name as a string Default value: "Cascadia Mono"

    When this is set to true, the terminal will emulate a classic CRT display with scan lines and blurry text edges. This is an experimental feature and its continued existence is not guaranteed.

    If experimental.pixelShaderPath is set, it will override this setting.

    Property name: experimental.retroTerminalEffect

    Necessity: Optional

    Accepts: true, false

    Default value: false

    Cursor shape

    This sets the cursor shape for the profile. The possible cursors are as follows: "bar" ( ┃ ), "vintage" ( ▃ ), "underscore" ( ▁ ), "filledBox" ( █ ), "emptyBox" ( ▯ ), "doubleUnderscore" ( ‗ ) Property name: cursorShape Necessity: Optional Accepts: "bar", "vintage", "underscore", "filledBox", "emptyBox", "doubleUnderscore" Default value: "bar"

    Cursor height

    This sets the percentage height of the cursor starting from the bottom. This will only work when cursorShape is set to "vintage". Property name: cursorHeight Necessity: Optional Accepts: Integer from 1-100

    Windows Terminal enables you to specify custom background images and icons using the settings UI menu or settings.json file for each of your command line profiles, allowing you to configure/brand/style each of your profiles independently from one another. To do so, specify your preferred backgroundImage, position it using backgroundImageAlignment, set its opacity with backgroundImageOpacity, and/or specify how your image will fill the available space using backgroundImageStretchMode.

    For example:


    This sets the transparency of the window for the profile. This accepts an integer value from 0-100, representing a "percent opaque". 100 is "fully opaque", 50 is semi-transparent, and 0 is fully transparent. When useAcrylic is set to true, the window will use the acrylic material to create a blurred background for the terminal. When useAcrylic is set to false, the terminal will use a unblurred opacity. Property name: opacity Necessity: Optional Accepts: Number as a integer value from 0-100 Default value: 100 when useAcrylic is false, 50 when useAcrylic is true. Important Prior to Windows Terminal version 1.12, this setting was acrylicOpacity, was a float that accepted 0.0-1.0 which defaulted to 0.5, and the opacity would only apply if useAcrylic was set to true. On 1.12+, acrylicOpacity will gracefully continue to work as the equivalent opacity value. Important Unblurred opacity ("useAcrylic": false) only works on Windows 11. Important When Mica is enabled in the theme settings, Mica will appear underneath the Terminal contents when the opacity of the Terminal is set to a value <100.

    Enable acrylic

    When this is set to true, the window will have an acrylic background. When it's set to false, the window will have a plain, untextured background. The transparency only applies to focused windows due to OS limitations. Property name: useAcrylic Necessity: Optional Accepts: true, false Default value: false


    This sets the padding around the text within the window. This will accept three different formats: "#" and # set the same padding for all sides, "#, #" sets the same padding for left-right and top-bottom, and "#, #, #, #" sets the padding individually for left, top, right, and bottom. Property name: padding Necessity: Optional Accepts: Values as a string in the following formats: "#", "#, #", "#, #, #, #" or value as an integer: # Default value: "8, 8, 8, 8"

    Scrollbar visibility

    This sets the visibility of the scrollbar. Property name: scrollbarState Necessity: Optional Accepts: "visible", "hidden", (Beginning in release 1.17, "always" will be included)

    Tab color

    This sets the color of the profile's tab. Using the tab color picker will override this color. Property name: tabColor Necessity: Optional Accepts: Color as a string in hex format: "#rgb" or "#rrggbb"

    Foreground color

    This changes the foreground color of the profile. This overrides foreground set in the color scheme if colorScheme is set. Property name: foreground Necessity: Optional Accepts: Color as a string in hex format: "#rgb" or "#rrggbb"

    Background color

    This changes the background color of the profile with this setting. This overrides background set in the color scheme if colorScheme is set. Property name: background Necessity: Optional Accepts: Color as a string in hex format: "#rgb" or "#rrggbb"

    An object you can add to a profile that applies settings to the profile when it is unfocused. This setting only accepts appearance settings.

    Property name: unfocusedAppearance

    Necessity: Optional

    Accepts: backgroundImage, backgroundImageAlignment, backgroundImageOpacity, backgroundImageStretchMode, cursorHeight, cursorShape, cursorColor, colorScheme, foreground, background, selectionBackground, experimental.retroTerminalEffect, experimental.pixelShaderPath

    This setting allows a user to specify the path to a custom pixel shader to use with the terminal content. This is an experimental feature and its continued existence is not guaranteed. For more details on authoring custom pixel shaders for the terminal, see this documentation.

    If set, this will override the experimental.retroTerminalEffect setting.

    Property name: experimental.pixelShaderPath

    Necessity: Optional

  5. Jan 28, 2022 · Go to Settings → "Windows Powershell" profile "Appearance" tab → "Color Scheme", and choose the new color scheme. Then, press "Save". If you don’t like my custom theme, check out Windows Terminal Themes website. There are 200+ themes to choose from and you get a quick preview of each theme 🌈.

  6. Sep 28, 2023 · Show acrylic in tab row. When this is set to true, the tab row is given an acrylic background at 50% opacity. When it's set to false, the tab row will be opaque. Note that changing this setting will require starting a new terminal instance. Property name: useAcrylicInTabRow.