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    According to religious tradition, there are 613 such commandments. [1] In its secondary meaning, the word mitzvah refers to a deed performed in order to fulfill such a commandment. As such, the term mitzvah has also come to express an individual act of human kindness in keeping with the law.

  3. Oct 27, 2008 · The Talmud tells us (Tractate Makkot 23b) that there are 613 commandments (mitzvot) in the Torah; 248 Positive Commandments (do's) and 365 Negative Commandments (do not's). However, the Talmud does not provide us with a list of these commandments. Several great Jewish scholars have compiled a complete listing of these mitzvahs.

  4. Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 commandments; This is the list of 613 identified by Rambam; The order and organization is my own ☒

    • Saying Hallel
    • Blessings
    • Washing Hands Beforeeating
    • Eruv on Shabbat
    • Shabbat Candles
    • Purim
    • Chanukah

    The mitzvah ofsaying Hallel is to recite Psalms 113-118, which praise G‑d, on certain specialoccasions. Hallel is recited on the festivals of Sukkot, SheminiAtzeret (Simchat Torah), Chanukah, Passover and Shavuot to show ourgratitude to G‑d for the miracles that we are commemorating at those times.Each of these festivals celebrates the miracles tha...

    The rabbis scripted various blessings (berachot) of praise and gratitude to G‑d to be recited on all sortsof occasions. There are numerous blessings that are said before one has thepleasure of eating, drinking or smelling fragrances. There are also blessingsthat are recited before doing a mitzvah. Each category of food or smell, andeach mitzvah, ha...

    Before eating bread one must wash one’s hands in aprescribed manner. The reason for this is that sacred foods and Templeofferings may not be eaten in ritual impurity. The rabbis decreed that, sincepeople are constantly touching all sorts of stuff, hands must be treated asthough they are impure. The way to rid oneself of this impurity is through thi...

    The rabbis placed certain restrictions on Shabbat andfestivals. The eruv is a mechanismthat makes these restrictions more permissive. There are three kinds of eruvs: 1. On Shabbat, the Torah prohibits carrying anything from anenclosed area to an open area, or vice versa. It is also prohibited to carryfor more than four cubits within an unenclosed, ...

    On Friday evenings, right before the beginning of Shabbat,every Jewish home must light a candle (generally at least two) in honor of thespecial day. Candles are also lit before the onset of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur,Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret (Simchat Torah), Passover and Shavuot. The Rabbisintroduced this practice to ensure that Shabbat and festivals ...

    In the year 355 BCE, the Jewish nation was miraculouslysaved from extermination by Queen Esther and Mordechai. The sages of that time,at the request of Queen Esther, instructed all Jews to celebrate a joyousfestival called Purim on the 14th (or 15th) of the month of Adar, which is theanniversary of the salvation. There are four mitzvahs of Purim th...

    This festival was enacted on the first anniversary of thevictory of the Maccabees over the Greek army in the year 139 BCE. When the Jewsreturned to the Holy Temple after the war, they found only one small jug of oilwith which to kindle the Temple Menorah. Miraculously, the insufficient oilkept on burning for eight days, by which time other oil was ...

  5. According to Jewish tradition, the Torah contains 613 commandments (Hebrew: תרי״ג מצוות, romanized: taryág mitsvót). This tradition is first recorded in the 3rd century CE, when Rabbi Simlai mentioned it in a sermon that is recorded in Talmud Makkot 23b. [1]

  6. Plural: מצות mitzvot. Related words: צוה tzivah —he commanded; צוותא tzavta —a connection, companionship. What is a mitzvah? The simple meaning of the word mitzvah is command. It appears in various forms with that meaning about 300 times in the Five Books of Moses.

  7. In fact, Jewish tradition understands exactly 613 ‘ Sefer Hamitzvot (Book of the Commandments), divided into “positive” (things one is required to do) and “negative” (things one may not do) commandments. It is not simply a “good deed,” for example, to refrain from murdering or stealing.