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      • Meditation not only makes our lives more meaningful, it also offers us a natural healing mechanism. Many ailments begin with an imbalanced or stressed mind and develop in susceptible parts of the body. By working with the mind and learning to better manage the triggers that disturb it, we bolster the body’s natural defenses.
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  2. Apr 7, 2024 · Decades of research show that meditation is an effective complementary therapy for health conditions such as high blood pressure, cancer symptoms, and chronic pain. It’s also believed to improve mental health, lower stress, and contribute to the holistic health and well-being of an individual.

    • Overview
    • 1. Reduces stress
    • 2. Controls anxiety
    • 3. Promotes emotional health
    • 4. Enhances self-awareness
    • 5. Lengthens attention span
    • 6. May reduce age-related memory loss
    • 7. Can generate kindness
    • 8. May help fight addictions
    • 9. Improves sleep

    Meditation has been shown to offer many benefits. Although it’s well known as a technique to reduce stress and anxiety, research shows that it may also help enhance your mood, promote healthy sleep patterns, and boost cognitive skills.

    Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.

    The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.

    You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.

    People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.

    This article reviews 12 health benefits of meditation.

    Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation.

    One review concluded that meditation lives up to its reputation for stress reduction (1).

    Normally, mental and physical stress cause increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This produces many of the harmful effects of stress, such as the release of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines.

    These effects can disrupt sleep, promote depression and anxiety, increase blood pressure, and contribute to fatigue and cloudy thinking.

    In an 8-week study, a meditation style called “mindfulness meditation” reduced the inflammation response caused by stress (2).

    Furthermore, research has shown that meditation may also improve symptoms of stress-related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia (3, 4, 5).

    Meditation can reduce stress levels, which translates to less anxiety.

    A meta-analysis including nearly 1,300 adults found that meditation may decrease anxiety. Notably, this effect was strongest in those with the highest levels of anxiety (6).

    Also, one study found that 8 weeks of mindfulness meditation helped reduce anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder, along with increasing positive self-statements and improving stress reactivity and coping (7).

    Another study in 47 people with chronic pain found that completing an 8-week meditation program led to noticeable improvements in depression, anxiety, and pain over 1 year (8).

    What’s more, some research suggests that a variety of mindfulness and meditation exercises may reduce anxiety levels (9).

    For example, yoga has been shown to help people reduce anxiety. This is likely due to benefits from both meditative practice and physical activity (10).

    Some forms of meditation can lead to improved self-image and a more positive outlook on life.

    For example, one review of treatments given to more than 3,500 adults found that mindfulness meditation improved symptoms of depression (12).

    Similarly, a review of 18 studies showed that people receiving meditation therapies experienced reduced symptoms of depression, compared with those in a control group (13).

    Another study found that people who completed a meditation exercise experienced fewer negative thoughts in response to viewing negative images, compared with those in a control group (14).

    Furthermore, inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, which are released in response to stress, can affect mood, leading to depression. A review of several studies suggests meditation may also reduce depression by decreasing levels of these inflammatory chemicals (15).


    Some forms of meditation may help you develop a stronger understanding of yourself, helping you grow into your best self.

    For example, self-inquiry meditation explicitly aims to help you develop a greater understanding of yourself and how you relate to those around you.

    Other forms teach you to recognize thoughts that may be harmful or self-defeating. The idea is that as you gain greater awareness of your thought habits, you can steer them toward more constructive patterns (16, 17, 18).

    One review of 27 studies showed that practicing tai chi may be associated with improved self-efficacy, which is a term used to describe a person’s belief in their own capacity or ability to overcome challenges (19).

    In another study, 153 adults who used a mindfulness meditation app for 2 weeks experienced reduced feelings of loneliness and increased social contact compared with those in a control group (20).

    Additionally, experience in meditation may cultivate more creative problem-solving skills (21).

    Focused-attention meditation is like weight lifting for your attention span. It helps increase the strength and endurance of your attention.

    For example, one study found that people who listened to a meditation tape experienced improved attention and accuracy while completing a task, compared with those in a control group (22).

    A similar study showed that people who regularly practiced meditation performed better on a visual task and had a greater attention span than those without any meditation experience (23).

    Moreover, one review concluded that meditation may even reverse patterns in the brain that contribute to mind-wandering, worrying, and poor attention (24).

    Even meditating for a short period each day may benefit you. One study found that meditating for just 13 minutes daily enhanced attention and memory after 8 weeks (25).


    Improvements in attention and clarity of thinking may help keep your mind young.

    Kirtan Kriya is a method of meditation that combines a mantra or chant with repetitive motion of the fingers to focus your thoughts. Studies in people with age-related memory loss have shown it improves performance on neuropsychological tests (26).

    Furthermore, a review found preliminary evidence that multiple meditation styles can increase attention, memory, and mental quickness in older volunteers (27).

    In addition to fighting normal age-related memory loss, meditation can at least partially improve memory in patients with dementia. It can likewise help control stress and improve coping in those caring for family members with dementia (28, 29).


    The improved focus you can gain through regular meditation may boost your memory and mental clarity. These benefits can help fight age-related memory loss and dementia.

    Some types of meditation may particularly increase positive feelings and actions toward yourself and others.

    Metta, a type of meditation also known as loving-kindness meditation, begins with developing kind thoughts and feelings toward yourself.

    Through practice, people learn to extend this kindness and forgiveness externally, first to friends, then acquaintances, and ultimately enemies.

    A meta-analysis of 22 studies on this form of meditation demonstrated its ability to increase peoples’ compassion toward themselves and others (30).

    One study in 100 adults randomly assigned to a program that included loving-kindness meditation found that these benefits were dose-dependent.

    In other words, the more time people spent in weekly metta meditation practice, the more positive feelings they experienced (31).

    The mental discipline you can develop through meditation may help you break dependencies by increasing your self-control and awareness of triggers for addictive behaviors (34).

    Research has shown that meditation may help people learn to redirect their attention, manage their emotions and impulses, and increase their understanding of the causes behind their (35, 36).

    One study in 60 people receiving treatment for alcohol use disorder found that practicing transcendental meditation was associated with lower levels of stress, psychological distress, alcohol cravings, and alcohol use after 3 months (37).

    Meditation may also help you control food cravings. A review of 14 studies found mindfulness meditation helped participants reduce emotional and binge eating (38).


    Meditation develops mental awareness and can help you manage triggers for unwanted impulses. This can help you recover from addiction, manage unhealthy eating, and redirect other unwanted habits.

    Nearly half of the population will struggle with insomnia at some point.

    One study compared mindfulness-based meditation programs and found that people who meditated stayed asleep longer and had improved insomnia severity, compared with those who had an unmedicated control condition (39).

    Becoming skilled in meditation may help you control or redirect the racing or runaway thoughts that often lead to insomnia.

    Additionally, it can help relax your body, releasing tension and placing you in a peaceful state in which you’re more likely to fall asleep.


    A variety of meditation techniques can help you relax and control runaway thoughts that can interfere with sleep. This can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and increase sleep quality.

  3. New research is finding meditation useful for a variety of health problems—including easing chronic pain… reducing gastrointestinal symptoms… and lowering blood pressure and stress to protect the heart!

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    • (877) 649-9457
  4. Oct 30, 2019 · It can take a little while for mindfulness meditation to feel natural and to become a part of your regular routine. But with practice, you may discover a powerful tool for relieving stress and improving well-being.

    • Zameena Mejia
    • Stress Reduction. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as meditation, have been shown to improve mental health, specifically in the area of stress, according to a study in the Clinical Psychology Review Spijkerman, M.P.J.
    • Anxiety Management. Mediation can help counter the effects of anxiety—often noted as overwhelming feelings of fear, worry and tension—by slowing down racing thoughts and regulating breathing, which calms the nervous system.
    • Depression Management. Meditation can also help reduce the symptoms of depression through mindfulness and emotional regulation. One study observing individuals on a three-month-long yoga and meditation retreat found that participants showed significant improvements in depression after the retreat, as well as enhanced stress resilience and wellbeing Cahn, BR.
    • Lowers Blood Pressure. Hypertension—also known as high blood pressure—is estimated to affect one billion people worldwide and about half the people in the U.S Goldstein, C. Josephson, R. Xie, S. et al.
  5. Jul 16, 2014 · Taking a few minutes to focus your mind each day can reduce stress, pain, depression, and more. You can't see or touch stress, but you can feel its effects on your mind and body. In the short term, stress quickens your heart rate and breathing and increases your blood pressure.

  6. Most ailments involve stress. So, meditation can prevent and cure them. In fact, regular meditation practice contributes to a healthier body, mind, and spirit. Topics covered: Introduction to healing meditation. What is healing meditation? Types of healing meditations. Healing benefits for the body. Healing benefits for the mind.