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      • The individual employee can access login by SPARK after registering the details that is already in SPARK by using the link “Not registered a user yet, register now” from the login page of SPARK website.
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  2. Jun 3, 2023 · The individual employee can access login by SPARK after registering the details that is already in SPARK by using the link “Not registered a user yet, register now” from the login page of SPARK website.

  3. Jul 29, 2016 · All regular employees are informed that those who don’t have any user credentials in SPARK can register online by themselves to get individual login in SPARK. The individual login facility is available at the login page of Spark.

  4. Jun 3, 2023 · SPARK provides ‘U’ access to SPARK Master trainers, Treasury helpdesk and Department Master trainers. Through this ‘U’ login, user can view/edit employee Present service / salary details in SPARK. M: Department Management Users: Department Management Users are given this ‘M’ access.

  5. The system caters to the Personnel Administration, Payroll and other Accounts activities of Government Establishments. Every employee is allotted with a unique Permanent Employee Number (PEN) through the system.

    • Spark Security
    • Spark Security: Things You Need to Know
    • Spark RPC
    • Local Storage Encryption
    • Web UI
    • Configuring Ports For Network Security
    • Kerberos
    • Event Logging
    • Persisting Driver Logs in Client Mode

    Security features like authentication are not enabled by default. When deploying a cluster that is open to the internetor an untrusted network, it’s important to secure access to the cluster to prevent unauthorized applicationsfrom running on the cluster. Spark supports multiple deployments types and each one supports different levels of security. ...


    Spark currently supports authentication for RPC channels using a shared secret. Authentication canbe turned on by setting the spark.authenticateconfiguration parameter. The exact mechanism used to generate and distribute the shared secret is deployment-specific. Unlessspecified below, the secret must be defined by setting the spark.authenticate.secretconfigoption. The same secret is shared by all Spark applications and daemons in that case, which limitsthe security of these deployments, espec...


    Spark supports AES-based encryption for RPC connections. For encryption to be enabled, RPCauthentication must also be enabled and properly configured. AES encryption uses theApache Commons Cryptolibrary, and Spark’sconfiguration system allows access to that library’s configuration for advanced users. There is also support for SASL-based encryption, although it should be considered deprecated. Itis still required when talking to shuffle services from Spark versions older than 2.2.0. The follow...

    Spark supports encrypting temporary data written to local disks. This covers shuffle files, shufflespills and data blocks stored on disk (for both caching and broadcast variables). It does not coverencrypting output data generated by applications with APIs such as saveAsHadoopFile orsaveAsTable. It also may not cover temporary files created explici...

    Authentication and Authorization

    Enabling authentication for the Web UIs is done using javax servlet filters.You will need a filter that implements the authentication method you want to deploy. Spark does notprovide any built-in authentication filters. Spark also supports access control to the UI when an authentication filter is present. Eachapplication can be configured with its own separate access control lists (ACLs). Sparkdifferentiates between “view” permissions (who is allowed to see the application’s UI), and “modify”...

    Spark History Server ACLs

    Authentication for the SHS Web UI is enabled the same way as for regular applications, usingservlet filters. To enable authorization in the SHS, a few extra options are used: The SHS uses the same options to configure the group mapping provider as regular applications.In this case, the group mapping provider will apply to all UIs server by the SHS, and individualapplication configurations will be ignored.

    SSL Configuration

    Configuration for SSL is organized hierarchically. The user can configure the default SSL settingswhich will be used for all the supported communication protocols unless they are overwritten byprotocol-specific settings. This way the user can easily provide the common settings for all theprotocols without disabling the ability to configure each one individually. The following tabledescribes the SSL configuration namespaces: The full breakdown of available SSL options can be found below. The $...

    Generally speaking, a Spark cluster and its services are not deployed on the public internet.They are generally private services, and should only be accessible within the network of theorganization that deploys Spark. Access to the hosts and ports used by Spark services shouldbe limited to origin hosts that need to access the services. Below are th...

    Spark supports submitting applications in environments that use Kerberos for authentication.In most cases, Spark relies on the credentials of the current logged in user when authenticatingto Kerberos-aware services. Such credentials can be obtained by logging in to the configured KDCwith tools like kinit. When talking to Hadoop-based services, Spar...

    If your applications are using event logging, the directory where the event logs go(spark.eventLog.dir) should be manually created with proper permissions. To secure the log files,the directory permissions should be set to drwxrwxrwxt. The owner and group of the directoryshould correspond to the super user who is running the Spark History Server. T...

    If your applications persist driver logs in client mode by enabling spark.driver.log.persistToDfs.enabled,the directory where the driver logs go (spark.driver.log.dfsDir) should be manually created with properpermissions. To secure the log files, the directory permissions should be set to drwxrwxrwxt. The ownerand group of the directory should corr...

  6. A Gentle Introduction to Apache Spark on Databricks - Databricks

  7. SPARK User Registration for Individual Users. This form is for creating Individual User in SPARK. This cannot be used for creating official users for establishment.