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  1. Jun 5, 2023 · Want to know how to get your life together? This checklist of 30 things will inspire you to get things in order, get your act together, and prosper!

    • Jack Nollan
    • Be honest with yourself. This point tops the “how to get my life together list” because you can’t improve your situation until you understand it. You have to take an honest — sometimes uncomfortable— look at your state.
    • Set mid- and long-term goals. You may feel overwhelmed because you’re moving without much purpose or direction. It’s normal to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily life and go through the motions of work, personal commitments, and extracurriculars without understanding how your activities fit into a greater life plan.
    • Identify toxic people in your life. Have you ever had a friend or partner who drains your energy? Toxic relationships are often time-consuming and stressful, leaving you feeling too tired to take care of the tasks on your to-do list or yourself.
    • Make a plan. You’ve identified the problems driving your stress and set goals, but you’re still asking, “How do I get my life together in a practical way?”
  2. Jun 22, 2020 · How to always seem and feel like you have your shit together: Here's what you can do to feel and seem like you got your life together.

    • Focusing on Yourself Download Article Remind yourself that you are in control of your choices. Many of the bad or unpleasant things that happen in life are out of your control.
    • Making Positive Health Changes Download Article Get moving. Exercise is a great way to make a positive change for yourself. Not only does exercise make you look and feel good, but it also increases your overall health.
    • Getting Organized Download Article Set aside 10 minutes a day to clean. This doesn't sound like a lot of time, but when you're busy and feel your life is out of control, you may feel like you don’t have 10 minutes to spare.
    • Be honest with yourself. The first step in getting your life together is also the most painful: You have to admit your life is fucked up. We all want to believe that we have things under control and that we’re just going through a temporary rough patch.
    • Grow up and take responsibility. You are responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter where you were born, what your parents did, your race, gender, or how much of a dick your teacher was.
    • Let go of small thinking. For most of my twenties, I didn’t mind living the lifestyle of a drunkard service employee making just above minimum wage as long as I had enough money for the bar and occasionally catching a movie or eating out.
    • Seek out tough love. People say they want to change things. What they really mean is they want things to change. No one wants to change themselves, they just want things to be different without effort.
  3. Nov 10, 2023 · Does it feel like your world is unraveling and that you have no idea how to get your life together? Use these 25 proven steps to gain clarity and direction.

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  5. 3 days ago · Getting your life together in 22 steps. If you’re ready to take control and start making changes, here are 22 actionable steps to get your life together, starting now! 1. Take stock of your current situation. To decide what you want your future life to look like, it’s important to first acknowledge the present.