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      • Standing Poses build strength, confidence, balance, and form a solid foundation for your yoga practice. They help deepen your body awareness to every part of your body, and also help focus your awareness on your connection to the earth. Many yoga standing poses require you to hold the pose in stillness.
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  2. Jan 18, 2024 · Standing yoga poses are some of the most important poses in your yoga practice. They help to build strength in the lower body, and they also help to build active flexibility throughout the hips and upper leg.

    • Mountain Pose (tadasana) Image by mbg creative. Stand up tall, and allow your shoulders to drop back. Feel grounded as your crown stretches toward the sky.
    • Forward Fold (uttanasana) Image by mbg creative. Stand up tall with your arms reaching up to the sky. As you exhale, hinge at your hips and fold your upper body forward, bending your knees if needed.
    • Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana I) Image by mbg creative. From a downward-dog position, bring your right knee in toward your nose, and plant your foot in between your hands.
    • Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana II) Image by mbg creative. From a high lunge, pivot your back heel down, and open your body to the side.
  3. Jan 18, 2024 · Explore the benefits of standing poses in yoga, including improved balance, strengthened leg muscles, and increased flexibility. Discover common standing poses, modifications, and variations, and learn tips for proper alignment to maximize your practice.

    • Mountain Pose. The mountain pose, or Tadasana in Sanskrit, is the most foundational asana in any classic yoga sequence. It is the starting and finishing position in sun salutations and vinyasa flows.
    • Standing Forward Fold. The standing forward fold (Uttanasana) is another featured posture in the sun salutation. It deeply stretches the calves, hamstrings, and back, releasing tension in the lower back and improving spinal mobility.
    • Warrior 1. Warrior 1 is the first of the warrior poses and is found in Sun Salutation B from the Ashtanga lineage. It strengthens the entire body, including the legs, arms, shoulders, and back.
    • Warrior II. Warrior II is one of the most strengthening standing yoga postures, building lower and upper body strength. It involves a deep hip and groin stretch and opens the chest and shoulders.
    • Olivia May
    • Adho Mukha Shvanasana – Downward Dog. Begin in a plank position. Focus on pressing weight into the index finger and your thumb, and face your elbow creases to the front of your mat.
    • Anjaneyasana – Crescent Lunge. Begin standing, then step the right foot back. Keep the right heel high upon the ball mound of the toe, and the right leg straight.
    • Parsva Balasana – Bird Dog. Begin in a tabletop position. Place your shoulders on top of the wrists, and the hips on top of the knees. The hands and knees are hip width apart, and the spine is neutral.
    • Eka Pada Tadasana – One Legged Mountain Pose. Begin standing with feet hip width apart. Hug the heels together so you activate the inner thighs and lift your arches, then tone up the quadriceps.
  4. Jun 28, 2024 · Standing Poses build strength, confidence, balance, and form a solid foundation for your yoga practice. They help deepen your body awareness to every part of your body, and also help focus your awareness on your connection to the earth. Many yoga standing poses require you to hold the pose in stillness.

  5. Aug 30, 2024 · In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of standing yoga poses, provide step-by-step instructions for some popular poses, and answer frequently asked questions to help you get started on your yoga journey. Let’s dive in! Table of Contents. 1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)