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  1. India's lunar calendar each year, the last day of fireworks and festivals light up the dark night of the Lantern Festival, which is about one billion Hindus around the world celebrate Diwali - a festival of lights. This is the world's one of the most widely celebrated festival in India, Fiji, Nepal and Trinidad, it is even a national holiday.

  2. May 5, 2008 · After partition in August 1947, Gandhi returned to Delhi to help restore harmony among Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi's activities had aroused much hostility among Hindu extremists. On 30 January 1948, Nathuram Godse, who was the editor of Hindu Mahasabah extremist weekly, shot Gandhi at point blank range while he was on his way to the evening prayer meeting.

  3. Dec 30, 2008 · western tibet, ngari, is a vast barren plateau and renowned as the roof of tibet. as the place where the sacred lake (lake manasarova) joins the sacred mountain (mt. kailash), ngari is a holy pilgrimage destination of both tibetans and hindus, as well as a popular challenge to trekkers. the ancient shang shung kingdom and guge kingdom also exert a pull.

  4. 同理,他们将印度教徒称为Hindus。. 英国殖民者来到印度后,称印度教为Hinduism,称印度为India。. India显然是从Indus演变而来的,印度在梵文中又有月亮的意思,因此,印度又称“月亮之国”。. 印度种姓制度的五个等级印度种姓制度五个等级有婆罗门、刹帝利 ...

  5. Mar 8, 2009 · In 1999, India mobilised its military in Kargil, Kashmir to repel Islamist terrorists who, under the auspices of the Pakistani government, were encroaching upon Indian territory. 用英文介绍印度文化The Republic of IndiaThe Republic of India is a large South Asian country rich in ethnic diversity,with over one billion people speaking ...

  6. Jun 12, 2010 · People celebrating Holi.Hindus celebrate a number of festivals all through the year. From celebrating the advent of spring to celebrating the win of good over evil, Hindu religion and culture provide its followers endless reasons to celebrate. Given below is the list of just a few of these festivals that are celebrated with great zest and fervor.

  7. Mar 16, 2017 · 印度尼西亚此词是从拉丁与希腊语取名的。印度的意思就是印度【Hindia或Hindus, 阿拉伯语是“Al Hind”, 希腊语是“Indos”,英文是“India”,尼西亚【Nesia】是岛屿的意思。因此印度尼西亚的意思是印度群岛区或印度群岛。

  8. Dec 25, 2007 · On this day, Hindus will be fasting, bathing, Chanting poetry, worship god Krishna. Pei Shu Festival is also called "the Tanzanian Lakejia" festival, usually in the calendar 7,8 months, the Legend has it is a Hindu festival in the ancient times, before the decisive battle in Yinduoluo God, his wife in his wrist in a Choudai do Hufu, called the "Lake Yan."

  9. Dec 23, 2008 · 俄罗斯人信仰的宗教是东正教(基督教三大流派之一)。. 俄罗斯约63%的居民自称信奉东正教,其中大多数属于俄罗斯正教会,俄罗斯正教会在俄罗斯民族感形成的过程中起了重要的作用。. 即使不信教的俄罗斯人在文化上也把他们自己与东正教联系到一起 ...

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