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  1. Jul 6, 2021 · I believe the depth of field will still work on graphics levels below 21. Try going down by one untill you find one that’s right for you while keeping the lag at bay. 2 Likes

  2. Mar 23, 2023 · I did a kind-of dynamic depth of field, basically works on mouse position.-- Dynamic Depth Of Field. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") local Player = script.Parent.Parent local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local DOF = Lighting:WaitForChild("DepthOfField") local LIMIT = 20 -- Radius Diameter DOF.FarIntensity = 0.22 RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt) local RadiusVector = (Mouse.Origin.p - Mouse.Hit.p) local RadiusMagnitude ...

  3. Apr 20, 2020 · I have updated Roblox Studio, and i have noticed that DepthOfField was added, but i don’t know how to use it, here is a screenshot of the current properties: For any reason, it looks like if DepthOfField is disabled, and i don’t know what i did wrong, could someone help me? Thanks for reading.

  4. Feb 7, 2021 · Hello! I want to achieve the depth of field in my game but the issue is that it the depth of field only shows up in Roblox Studio and not in my game. When I join my game, it doesn’t have the blur effect. The blur effect is only visible in Roblox Studio. I have tried turning up my graphics quality to 10 in game but it still isn’t giving it the blur affect I want in Roblox studios. Please help, thank you!

  5. Apr 12, 2021 · Hello! I’ve recently created a module that allows for a “realistic” depth of field effect in games. It raycasts from the center of your screen to where you are looking, and sets a DepthOfFieldEffect’s FocusDistance to the magnitude between the two points. This emulates how your eyes focus on things in real life, hence why I’ve called it Realistic Depth Of Field. If you’re having trouble figuring out what I mean, here is an example video (note the setting “SmoothTransitions ...

  6. May 17, 2020 · Introducing Dynamic Depth of Field Using the simple API included, you can easily set a Depth of Field effect’s blur distance to blur anything behind a given object. Optionally, you can have the effect automatically update when the camera changes to keep the effect between zooms. Background: With the release of the amazing Depth of Field effect came a lot of cool creations. I had a thought to add a “dynamic” depth of field effect to my game. When an object is selected, everything behind ...

  7. Apr 3, 2020 · This is a preview of one of the upcoming projects from ‘Eyto’ (A development collective of myself, Stylish and Artblox) Aiming to create visually pleasing games while also having great gameplay. The picture below show a small preview of the game with also two images showcasing the new depth of field effect. follow us (thisfall, artblox, stylishh, EYTO) on twitter for more content!

  8. Jun 15, 2020 · It is probably something simple I am missing, But basically, I am trying to test out the depth of field buy pressing the test play, but when I enter the game it disappears and doesn’t show the depth of field I just created. What am I missing? 🤔 I have tried to upload and save to Roblox even though it doesn’t show up in Test Play, but it didn’t work. :I

  9. Mar 7, 2022 · Greetings! This is my second time posting here. Today, I’ve made a Dynamic Depth of Field script, and I decided to make it free! I probably won’t use this in a lot of projects, so you all can have it and play around with it (: this has probably already been done before… Here is a video demonstrating it!

  10. Jul 26, 2022 · Depth of field only works while in-game unless you have your editor quality level set to at least 16. Depth of field can also be effected by the in-game graphics quality level. 2 Likes

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