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    He is the son of the king Brihadratha, the founder of the Barhadratha dynasty of Magadha. According to popular lore, the descendants of Brihadratha ruled Magadha for 2600 years followed by Pradyota Dynasty and the Haryanka dynasty. He is mentioned in the Mahabharata and the Vayu Purana.

    • Who Was Jarasandha in His Previous birth?
    • Power of Jarasandha
    • Why Was It Necessary to Kill Jarasandha?
    • Jarasandha’S Birth
    • Chandakaushika Predicts Jarasandha’S Future
    • Jarasandha Becomes Krishna’s Enemy
    • Krishna Plans to Kill Jarasandha
    • Grand Entry of The Trio Into Magadha
    • The Fight Between Jarasandha and Bhima

    Mahabharata was a Devasura battle on the surface of the earth. The Devas incarnated as the Pandavas and their allies. The Asuras incarnated as the Kauravas and their allies. Jarasandha was the incarnation of a Danava called Viprachitti. Viprachitti was the foremost among the sons of Danu and Kashyapa. Click below to watch video on Jarasandha's kill...

    The Pandavas got half the kingdom. They established themselves with Indraprastha as their capital. Now, it was time for expansion. Yudhishtira was to perform Rajasuya Yaga to become an emperor. A conquest in all four directions should be performed as part of this. This was to subjugate other kingdoms. A king if he is able to successfully complete R...

    Jarasandha was very cruel. Except for those very powerful kings who accepted his supremacy or fled, he tortured all others. He held captive eighty-six kings. Once their number reached a hundred he was going to sacrifice them. With Jarasandha alive, it will be impossible to perform Rajasuya. The world should not think that the Pandavas were scared o...

    Brihadratha was the king of Magadha. He was a great ruler and performed many yagas. He was as powerful as Indra, as brilliant as Surya, as tolerant as Bhumi, as fierce as Yama, and as wealthy as Kubera. He had two wives, both princesses of Kashi. He loved them both alike. He didn’t have children. Once, a very powerful Muni, Chandakaushika visited h...

    After some time Muni Chandakaushika came again to Magadha. He told Brihadratha: Your son will be most handsome, strong, and valorous. No other king will be able to match him in power. The glory of all other kings will eclipse because of him. They will all become his dependents. He will destroy everything that would try to stop him. Even divyastras ...

    Because Krishna killed Kamsa, his son-in-law, Jarasandha became his enemy. Declaring war on Krishna, Jarasandha threw a gada from Magadha to Mathura. It traveled ninety-nine yojanas and landed in front of Krishna. The place where the gada fell is called Gadavasan. Jarasandha had two allies, Hamsa and Dindibha. They were invincible. They were very w...

    Krishna told Yudhishtira: Jarasandha should be eliminated before Rajasuya. He can not be touched by vast armies. He can be killed only in one-to-one combat. I know the strategy. Arjuna has victory in him. Bhima has strength. Three of us will go together to kill him. The timing is ideal because Jarasandha doesn’t have the support of Hamsa and Dindib...

    Girivraja was the capital of Magadha. Near Girivraja, there was a holy mountain called Chaityaka. Jarasandha and his subjects worshiped this mountain. Once, Jarasandha had killed a Rakshasa called Rishabha here. The Rakshasa had assumed the form of a bull. With his skin, Jarasandha got three drums made. Once beaten, they would reverberate for a who...

    Krishna told Jarasandha to choose his opponent. He chose Bhima. His purohitas prepared Jarasandha chanting mantras for victory. Krishna invoked Gods in favor of Bhima. The two joyfully started fighting. They were truly equals in strength and valor. The earth trembled as they fought. Thousands gathered to watch them fight. For thirteen days they fou...

  3. Apr 28, 2024 · Who is Jarasandha and why did he spare Krishna despite offending him? Jarasandha was a powerful king known for his prowess. Despite offending Krishna, he was spared due to a past connection involving a miraculous birth. What was the origin of Vrihadratha's son, who later became Jarasandha?

  4. Apr 28, 2024 · How did Jarasandha get his name according to the tale? Jarasandha was named after the Rakshasa woman Jara who united his fragmented body parts. The king bestowed this name upon him as a token of gratitude.

  5. Feb 3, 2019 · When a wonderful baby boy came home from two pieces of flesh, the king was so happy that he named his son after Jara who found him. He called his son Jarasandha – one who was put together by Jara. Jarasandha became a great king.

  6. Oct 3, 2019 · When King Brihadratha saw the power and influence of his son, he crowned his son king and then entered the forest to perform austerities and penances. Jarasandha offered his two daughters, Asti and Prapti , to King Kamsa of Mathura .

  7. Oct 16, 2007 · JARASANDHA. [Source: Dowson's Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology] Son of Brihadratha, and king of Magadha. Brihadratha had two wives, who after being long barren brought forth two halves of a boy. These abortions were regarded with horror and thrown away.