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  1. › wiki › FódlaFódla - Wikipedia

    In Irish mythology, Fódla or Fótla (modern spelling: Fódhla, Fodhla or Fóla), daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas of the Tuatha Dé Danann, was one of the tutelary goddesses of Ireland. Her husband was Mac Cecht. With her sisters, Banba and Ériu, she was part of an important triumvirate of goddesses.

  2. Fódla. Quick Reference. Irish goddess, one of the three divine eponyms of Ireland, along with her sisters Banba and Ériu, and thus one of the poetic names for Ireland; she personifies the power of the land.

  3. In Irish mythology, Fódla or Fótla (modern spelling: Fódhla or Fóla), daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas of the Tuatha Dé Danann, was one of the tutelary Giantesses of Ireland. Her husband was Mac Cecht.

  4. The Ollav Fola, of Irish history, was the chief and first, and founder of the Order of Ollams, in Ireland. This was an order, not of kings, but of priests or sages; Druids so called: more properly Draoi, as General Vallancey insists. They were not Pagans. They were simple Deists.

  5. FÓDLA. Irish Tutelary Goddess. Also known as Fódhla, Fótla. Not very poetically-named Tutelary Goddess of Ireland. She is a protective Spirit of Ireland. The wife of Mac Cécht, she had always wanted a country named after her. Along with her sisters Banba and Ériu, she begged and pleaded with the poet Amairgin to name the Emerald Isle after her.

  6. Irish historian Thomas Moore says that of the storied figures of the early "dim period of Irish history . . . the Royal Sage, Ollamh Fodhla, is almost the only one who, from the strong light of tradition thrown round him, stands out as being of historical substance and truth.

  7. In Irish mythology, Fódla or Fótla (modern spelling: Fódhla, Fodhla or Fóla), daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas of the Tuatha Dé Danann, was one of the tutelary giantesses of Ireland. Her husband was Mac Cecht. With her sisters, Banba and Ériu, she was part of an important triumvirate of goddesses.