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  1. Jul 19, 2023 · Research shows that taking time off benefits employees in three ways: 1) Mentally. Taking a vacation provides greater opportunity for rest and better sleep (both quantity and quality),...

    • Getting Lost
    • Getting Mugged
    • Losing Your Phone
    • Getting Sick
    • Not Speaking The Language
    • Loneliness
    • Running Out of Money
    • Missing A Flight
    • Baggage Not Arriving
    • Breaking Up with A Partner

    Some people have fantastic spatial awareness, others not so much, but most people have got lost at least once in their life. It can be a horrible feeling — your heart beating faster as the panic starts to rise. You can get lost anywhere: a supermarket, airport, town center or in the wilderness. With modern technology this is one of the easier trave...

    In nearly 20 years I've only been mugged four times. Two of them were in my hometown, minutes from my house. Some countries are more dangerous than others. It's important to check for any government warnings before you visit. It's also advisable to check Facebook groups and other forums for the opinions of other travelers. A word of advice though —...

    This may seem like a silly one to add to a list of travel problems. Why not a camera? Laptop? Bag? Because most people do everything through their phone. I had a phone stolen recently in Argentina. Without it I couldn't: 1. tell the time 2. top up my prepay debit card 3. find the nearest police station 4. alert my family that it had been stolen 5. ...

    Sickness comes in many forms when you're traveling. 1. Travel sickness Travel sickness is caused when signals from your inner ear don't match up with your visual signals. For some people it happens every time they travel. Others only suffer on certain types of transport. I used to hate buses. The smell of the engine and the rocking motion would cau...

    This is a travel problem I've lived with for years. Not being able to communicate with the people around you can lead to all kinds of emotions: 1. Loneliness (see below) 2. Anger 3. Frustration 4. Determination 5. Encouragement 6. Elation Hopefully you noticed how that list went from negative to positive. While being unable to speak the local langu...

    Loneliness is not one of the travel problems which affects everyone, but when it strikes it can be the worst problem imaginable. There's no single trigger. It doesn't just affect people who suffer from depression or emotional people. No matter how strong or independent you are, loneliness can set in and ruin your trip. It's important to be aware of...

    This can be a major problem which you'll definitely want to avoid. Unexpected things do happen though. Things break, unexpected charges come up, plans change and emergencies happen. It's impossible to account for every eventuality. Before you travel research the country you're visiting. You want to have an idea of the general cost of living so you ...

    This all depends on whose fault it was — yours or the airline. If it's your fault, there's very little that can be done. 99% of the time this is one of the travel problems with a simple solution. Always arrive in plenty of time. If you think there's even a possibility you won't make it then check the rescheduling rules for your ticket. If you do mi...

    This is one of those infuriating surprise travel problems. You check your bags in, get the boarding pass, enjoy the flight and then your bags don't arrive with you. This happened to me and I was devastated! Luckily it happened on the return trip so I could just go home and wait for the bags to arrive. They eventually did three days later. If it hap...

    A common travel problem is the breakdown of relationships. As we mentioned before, travel takes you out of your comfort zone. This can lead to stress and frustration. If you're traveling with a partner this can be magnified. It doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend or family member, disagreements happen. When you're living in ...

  2. Jun 23, 2022 · Happiness. The Science of How to Enjoy Your Vacation. Learn how to plan and take a vacation that's good for your mind, body and soul. Posted June 23, 2022|Reviewed by Lybi Ma. Key points. Enjoy...

  3. Jul 27, 2023 · Happiness. Why Our Body and Brain Need a Vacation. Research shows that time off from work has physical and mental health benefits. Posted July 27, 2023 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk. Key points....

  4. Do vacations actually make people happier in the long run? How do they affect our mental health and well-being? What about our physical health? And are some types of vacations more beneficial than others? And if so, which ones? Is it better to relax, to scurry around seeing new sites and expanding our horizons, or some combination of the two?

  5. Dec 20, 2016 · When psychologists ask people how they feel during a holiday, they find that happiness levels rise rapidly during the first few days, peak around day eight, then plateau or slowly decline. While two- or three-week vacations may have their virtues — they can let you travel farther and spend more time learning about other cultures, for example ...

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  7. Jul 27, 2023 · In a 2023 study (Ferguson, T. et al.), researchers found that vacation increases daily sleep, light physical activity, and moderate to vigorous physical activity. Also, the...