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  1. Ānanda (Sanskrit: आनन्द) literally means bliss or happiness. In the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad gita, ānanda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle.

    • In Hinduism
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    Ānandā (आनन्दा, “bliss, happiness”):—Name of one of the goddesses to be worshipped during Āvaraṇapūjā (“Worship of the Circuit of Goddesses”), according to the Durgāpūjātattva (“The truth concerning Durgā’s ritual”). They should be worshipped with either the five upācārasor perfume and flowers. Her mantra is as follows: 1) Ānanda (आनन्द) refers to “joy”, according to the Manthānabhairavatantra, a vast sprawling work that belongs to a corpus of Tantric texts concerned with the worship of the g...

    Purana and Itihasa

    1) Ānanda (आनन्द).—A forest on the top of the mountain Mahāmeru. It was inhabited by celestial damsels, devas, gandharvas and Maharṣis. (Chapter 93, Bhūmi Khaṇḍa, Padma Purāṇa). 2) Ānanda (आनन्द).—(CĀKṢUṢA). Son of Maharṣi Anamitra. It was he who was born as Cākṣuṣa, the sixth Manu. There is a story behind his birth. One day, while his mother was keeping him in her lap and caressing him the baby laughed and questioned "Oh mother why are you caressing me, but look at those two cats. They consi...


    Ānanda (आनन्द) is the tradition (ovallī) founded by Olinātha, who was one of the twelve princes born to Kuṃkumā, consort to Mīnanātha, who is the incarnation of Siddhanātha in the fourth yuga, belonging to the Pūrvāmnāya (‘eastern doctrine’) tradition of Kula Śaivism, according to the Ciñcinīmatasārasamuccaya. Siddhanātha incarnates as a Kaula master in each of the four yugas. Olinātha was one of the six princes having the authority to teach. Ānanda (आनन्द) or Ānandāgama refers to one of upāg...


    1. Ananda - One of the principal disciples of the Buddha. He was a first cousin of the Buddha and was deeply attached to him. He came to earth from Tusita and was born on the same day as the Bodhisatta, his father beingAmitodana the Sakiyan, brother of Suddhodana.Mahanama and Anuruddha were therefore his brothers (or probably step brothers). According to the Mtu.iii.176, Ananda was the son of Suklodana and the brother of Devadatta and Upadhana. His mother was Mrgi. Ananda entered the Order in...

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Ānanda (आनन्द) is the name of a Śrāvaka mentioned as attending the teachings in the 6th century Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa: one of the largest Kriyā Tantras devoted to Mañjuśrī (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) representing an encyclopedia of knowledge primarily concerned with ritualistic elements in Buddhism. The teachings in this text originate from Mañjuśrī and were taught to and by Buddha Śākyamuni in the presence of a large audience (including Ānanda). The Four Types of Bliss (ānanda) are part of the S...


    1) Ānanda (आनन्द) is the name of a śaikṣa (aspirant) who is mentioned as being present amongst the assembly when the Buddha went dwelling at Rājagṛha according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter VI). Accordingly, “the venerable Ānanda is the third patriarch (ācārya), head of the great assembly; for numberless kalpas he planted the seeds of nirvāṇa; he always stays near the Buddha; he is the keeper of the baskets of the Dharma (dharmapiṭakadhara)”. Note: Before his death, Śāk...

    General definition

    Ānanda (आनन्द) is the name of the sixth Baladeva according to Śvetāmbara sources, while the Digambara has Nandī as the sixth Baladeva. Jain legends describe nine such Baladevas (“gentle heroes”) usually appearing together with their “violent” twin-brothers known as the Vāsudevas. The legends of these twin-heroes usually involve their antagonistic counterpart known as the Prativāsudevas (anti-heroes). The mother of Ānanda is known by the name Vaijayantī according to the Samavāyāṅga-sūtra, and...

    Pali-English dictionary

    ānanda : (m.) joy; pleasure. Ānanda, (Vedic ānanda, fr. ā + nand, cp. BSk. ānandī joy Divy 37) joy, pleasure, bliss, delight D.I, 3; Sn.679, 687; J.I, 207 (°maccha Leviathan); VI, 589 (°bheri festive drum); DA.I, 53 (= pītiyā etaṃ adhivacanaṃ). (Page 100)

    Marathi-English dictionary

    ānanda (आनंद).—m (S) Joy, happiness, pleasure, gratification. Five characters or departments of ā0 are treated in five sections of pañcadaśīgrantha, named ātmānanda, brahmānanda, viṣayānanda, vidyānanda, yōgānanda. See in order. 2 An order among Gosavis and Sanyasis. ānanda (आनंद).—m Happiness, joy. An order among religious mendicants or saṃ-nyāsī. ānandīṃ ānanda Joy upon joy; ex-ceeding joy. ānandaṇē v iBe glad;rejoice.

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Ananda (अनन्द).—a. [na nandayati; nand-ṇic ac] Joyless, cheerless -ndaḥName of a purgatory. --- OR --- Ānanda (आनन्द).—[ānand-ghañ] 1) Happiness, joy, delight, pleasure; आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान्न बिभेति कदाचन (ānandaṃ brahmaṇo vidvānna bibheti kadācana) T. Up. supreme bliss of felicity; आनन्द एवास्य विज्ञानमात्मानन्दात्मनो हैवं सर्वे देवाः (ānanda evāsya vijñānamātmānandātmano haivaṃ sarve devāḥ)Śat. Br. 2) God, Supreme Spirit (brahman) (said to be n. also in this sense; cf. vijñānamānandaṃ b...

  2. May 23, 2024 · Anand in Hindi refers in English to:—(nm) bliss, happiness; joy, pleasure, delight; -[mamgala] peace and happiness; ~[maya] blissful, made up or consisting of happiness; the Supreme Spirit; ~[vada] the theory propounding the attainment of Eternal bliss as the summum bonum of life; ~[vadi] a believer in he theory of [anamdavada; anamdita ...

  3. Sat Chit Ananda: The Philosophy of the Upanishads. The Vedas are the core scriptures of Hinduism and the Upanishads are texts which form the philosophical essence of the Vedas. The Upanishads are collectively called the Vedanta. The Vedantic world-view permeates all aspects of Indian culture and way of thinking.

  4. Saccidānanda (सच्चिदानन्द; pre-sandhi form sat-cit-ānanda) is a compounded Sanskrit word consisting of "sat", "cit", and "ānanda", all three considered as inseparable from the nature of ultimate reality called Brahman in Hinduism. [9]

  5. Dec 21, 2023 · What Does Sat-Chit-Ananda Mean? Sat-chit-ananda is a Sanskrit term that describes the nature of reality as it is conceptualized in Hindu and yogic philosophy. Some consider sat-chit-ananda to be the same as God or Brahman (Absolute Reality).