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  1. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Modern Written Arabic (MWA) is the variety of standardized, literary Arabic that developed in the Arab world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and in some usages also the variety of spoken Arabic that approximates this written standard.

  2. › wiki › ArabicArabic - Wikipedia

    The ISO assigns language codes to 32 varieties of Arabic, including its standard form of Literary Arabic, known as Modern Standard Arabic, which is derived from Classical Arabic.

  3. Most dialects of Arabic will use for ق in learned words that are borrowed from Standard Arabic into the respective dialect or when Arabs speak Modern Standard Arabic. The main dialectal variations in Arabic consonants revolve around the six consonants ج , ق , ث , ذ , ض and ظ .

  4. Modern Standard Arabic has 28 consonant phonemes and 6 vowel phonemes. All phonemes contrast between "emphatic" ( pharyngealized) consonants and non-emphatic ones. Some of these phonemes have coalesced in the various modern dialects, while new phonemes have been introduced through borrowing or phonemic splits.

  5. › wiki › Arabic_grammarArabic grammar - Wikipedia

    Arabic grammar ( Arabic: النَّحْوُ العَرَبِيُّ) is the grammar of the Arabic language. Arabic is a Semitic language and its grammar has many similarities with the grammar of other Semitic languages. Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic have largely the same grammar; colloquial spoken varieties of Arabic can vary in different ways.

  6. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Modern Written Arabic (MWA) is the variety of standardized, literary Arabic that developed in the Arab world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and in some usages also the variety of spoken Arabic that approximates this written standard.

  7. Many countries speak Arabic as an official language, but not all of them speak it the same way. The language has many dialects, or varieties, such as Modern Standard Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Gulf Arabic, Maghrebi Arabic, Levantine Arabic and many others. Some of the dialects are spoken so differently from one another that some speakers have a ...

  8. Modern Standard Arabic is its direct descendant used today throughout the Arab world in writing and in formal speaking, for example prepared speeches, some radio and television broadcasts and non-entertainment content. [2] .

  9. Modern Standard Arabic is the form of Arabic used in modern day media, including TV channels, print and online newspapers and magazines, as well as official correspondence. However, MSA still lacks thorough research and clear standards to distinguish it from Classical Arabic (CA).

  10. In this chapter, we shalldeal with four topics: the position of Arabic in thenineteenth century; the adaptation of Arabicvocabulary to the modern period; the reform ofgrammar; and the changes in the structure andphraseology of the language. The rebirth of Arabic.