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  1. Sep 13, 2024 · Downfall, which premiered 20 years ago, was a triumph: a disturbingly accurate depiction of Hitler in the Führerbunker as the Red Army advances and Berlin crumbles above him.

    • Contents of Hitler’s Autobiography
    • Hitler’s Jewish Conspiracy Theory
    • Types of Humans
    • Doing People A Favor by Conquering Their Lands
    • Hatred of Communism and Judaism
    • Flawed Parliamentary System

    Apart from an autobiography about Hitler’s youth and upbringing, Mein Kampf was also a bit of a blueprint of what Hitler had in store for what he called the Third Reich. If other European countries had taken Hitler seriously at the time and read this book they would have known what plans Hitler had for the expansion of Germany.

    He painted the Jews as a threat, with a conspiracy to take over the world. He also emphasizes that before he went to Vienna, he was very tolerant toward Jews as he had not met any Jews previously. He claims to have only changed his mind later on and then describes his Aryan philosophy in detail.

    Adolf Hitler divided humans into several categories, depending on physical appearance, to determine the different types of humans. The Aryan race (Germanic, fair-skinned, blond hair and blue eyes) is, according to him, the master race and culturally superior.

    Hitler also argues in his book that lower people actually benefit if they are conquered by Aryans, as they learn from them and start to develop culture. Aryans were also not to inter-marry with other, lowly human types, a philosophy that later resulted in the passing of certain marriage laws in Germany.

    Hitler believed that Communism and Judaism were the world’s two greatest evils. Hitler also described the goal to create a “living space” for German people to live up to their “historic destiny” in his book and openly stated that Germany had to acquire land in the East by invading parts of Russia.

    In his book, Adolf Hitler blames the Weimar Republic’s parliament, the Social Democrats, the Marxists and the Jews for Germany’s demise. He wanted to destroy the parliamentary system, which he thought to be corrupt in essence, calling the people who come to power opportunists.

  2. Apr 30, 2016 · By the end of April, Hitler caught wind of his commanders no longer following his orders. On April 29th, 1945, Hitler decided it was time to prepare his final decisions, and the first step was marrying his longtime love Eva Braun in a small ceremony just after midnight, hidden away in their bunker.

  3. Nov 11, 2022 · Bitter end: Hitler's downfall and the end of the war and the Third Reich The final months of the Second World War witnessed the slow strangulation of the Third Reich: while Allied forces advanced towards Berlin from both east and west, Adolf Hitler’s increasing detachment from reality condemned millions of his compatriots to death.

  4. In July 1944 a group of Wehrmacht officers attempted to assassinate Hitler by planting a bomb at his feet during an army briefing. Hitler was wounded but survived, however, he retreated from public view and was rarely seen or heard thereafter.

  5. Downfall of Adolf Hitler. All of his life, Adolf Hitler had been obsessed with the musical works of German composer Richard Wagner. As a teenager living in Austria, Hitler was deeply inspired by Wagner's operas and their pagan, mythical tales of struggles against hated enemies.

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  7. Deeming Germany a failure of a nation, Hitler prepared a decree that would seal the country’s collapse with catastrophic finality. The decree came about after Hitler studied a memorandum sent to him on March 18 by his trusted Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer.