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  1. Arthas became an apprentice paladin at nineteen and served as a favorite pupil of Uther the Lightbringer. Though Arthas loved the kindly Uther like an uncle, he longed to take command of his own destiny and become a hero like the brave veterans who fought the orcs during the Second War.

    • Overview
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    “Nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge, old friend. Not even you. Now, I call out to the spirits of this place. I will give anything, or pay any price, if only you will help me save my people.”

    — Arthas, just prior to claiming Frostmourne

    Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron and Knight of the Silver Hand, was the son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. He was trained as a paladin by Uther the Lightbringer and was inducted into the Order of the Silver Hand. Arthas also had a romantic relationship with the kind sorceress Jaina Proudmoore. Committed to the protection of his people, Arthas was determined to stop the plague spreading throughout Lordaeron.

    Despite his promising beginnings, Arthas became one of the most powerful and evil beings Azeroth would ever know. Although he killed the necromancer Kel'Thuzad, Arthas was unable to stop the spread of the plague and resorted to increasingly desperate methods, such as purging the city of Stratholme. Taking up the cursed runeblade Frostmourne, Arthas was able to defeat the demon Mal'Ganis, but he lost his soul in the process. Becoming a death knight of the Scourge, he led the undead in destroying Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas, and Dalaran. Arthas later made his way to the Frozen Throne of Icecrown and merged with the Lich King.

    Ruling as the Lich King for years afterward, Arthas had the last remnants of his humanity destroyed and was ultimately defeated in combat by Highlord Tirion Fordring and his champions of the Light. Cradled by the spirit of his father, Arthas Menethil died, leaving the mantle of the Lich King to be taken by a noble soul who would contain the power of the Scourge. Arthas' soul found no rest in the afterlife, instead being forged into a weapon in the schemes of the Jailer that was spent until nothing was left.

    Arthas first appeared as one of the main protagonists of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. He also serves as the main antagonist in Wrath of the Lich King.

    Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

    This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories. Prince Arthas Menethil was born to King Terenas Menethil II and Queen Lianne Menethil, four years before the start of the First War. The young prince grew up in a time when the lands of Azeroth were ravaged by war, the Alliance was crumbling, and darker clouds still loomed on the horizon. As a young child, Arthas became best friends with Varian Wrynn and often sparred with him, though Arthas was less experienced. He also watched as his future steed, Invincible, grew up. As a youth, Arthas was trained in combat by Muradin Bronzebeard, the brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard, and became an adept swordsman. At the same time he learned the ways of the Light under the tutelage of Uther the Lightbringer. He also developed an interest in Jaina Proudmoore when she was staying in Lordaeron while on her way to Dalaran, where she would be studying. Some time later, Terenas arranged a political marriage for Arthas' sister Calia with Daval Prestor. Calia was distraught by the decision and hoped Arthas would marry for love rather than politics. Arthas was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand at the young age of 19. The ceremony was held in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City, and was attended by prominent figures such as Genn Greymane, Thoras Trollbane, Daelin Proudmoore, and Jaina Proudmoore, whom Arthas had not seen since childhood. Archbishop Alonsus Faol led the initiation process, which included four of the five original paladins: Uther, Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dathrohan, and Gavinrad the Dire. Arthas was presented with the holy warhammer called  [Light's Vengeance] by Gavinrad and had the ceremonial silver plates placed upon his shoulders by Uther. While in Stormwind, Arthas visited the newly crowned king, Varian Wrynn, and sparred with him while recounting old memories. He also met the recently born prince, Anduin Wrynn, who gripped his finger. Arthas once visited Durnholde Keep and saw the famous orc gladiator Thrall. He stayed in the keep during the night and Aedelas sent Taretha to Arthas' chamber to please him. However, Arthas only talked with her and he noticed that Taretha reminded him of Jaina Proudmoore, whom he had begun to fall in love with. Later on, he rode on Invincible only to have an accident which caused Invincible to suffer a mortal wound. Arthas had no other option than to kill his beloved steed in order to stop its suffering, an act which would haunt him for the rest of his life. Arthas once stayed in Dalaran so he could spend time with Jaina. During his visit, Antonidas organized a banquet for Arthas and Kael'thas, who happened to be there at the same time. At the banquet, Arthas and Antonidas spoke of the orcs' strange lethargy, Terenas's health, Stormwind, the young Anduin Wrynn, and Arthas' relationship status. Kael'thas, who was also fond of Jaina, was upset when he saw Arthas kissing her. Having grown into a strong, confident young man, Arthas was headstrong and somewhat arrogant, though none could dispute his bravery and tenacity. Arthas came to be considered one of the finest swordsmen in Lordaeron, and was famed for counterattacking and defeating the forest troll warbands of Zul'Aman when they began raiding the settlements along the border of Quel'Thalas. Later on, Arthas invited Jaina to Lordaeron to celebrate the festivals of Noblegarden and Hallow's End. During that time Arthas revealed that he was courting Jaina to the public. Eventually, however, Arthas began to question whether the two of them were ready to be together. Arthas abruptly ended the relationship so Jaina could focus on her magical studies in Dalaran and Arthas could focus on his commitments to Lordaeron. During the trial of Tirion Fordring in Stratholme, Arthas served as one of the four jurors. Like the other judges, he was shocked when Tirion admitted his guilt, which led the paladin to his excommunication and his exile.

    Knight of the Silver Hand

    This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne. Troubles began to stir in Lordaeron. Orcs broke free of their internment camps, and there was distressing news of a plague that had gripped the northlands. Arthas and Uther were sent to Strahnbrad to defend the town from orcish raids. The young prince defeated the black drake Searinox to retrieve its heart for the dwarf Feranor Steeltoe to forge into an Orb of Fire. Arthas used this magical item to help defeat the orcs and kill the Blackrock clan blademaster leading the raids.

    Champion of the Lich King

    In Northrend, Arthas became the first of the Lich King's death knights. He was given a suit of saronite armor, and slew nearly all of his own men before raising them as undead. Some among them, notably Falric, Marwyn and Thassarian, were raised as death knights in Arthas' service.


    This section concerns content related to Cataclysm. Arthas appears in   A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow, a flashback quest in Felwood that allows the player to relive the first encounter between Arthas and Illidan.

    Mists of Pandaria

    This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria. Arthas and Terenas briefly appear in   Gods and Monsters, a story told by Lorewalker Cho.

    Tides of War

    This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories. When Jaina and Thrall met at Tidefury Cove, she remembered Arthas as an example of one of her failed love interests. Later on, Kalec was able to persuade Jaina not to go through with her plan to kill the citizens of Orgrimmar by pointing out that not only had Arthas used the same logic to justify the Culling of Stratholme but that he had been acting out of misguided compassion rather than hatred, which made what Jaina was planning to do even worse.

    Culling of Stratholme Icecrown

     Army of the Damned •Consume Minions — Consume up to 5 nearby Ghoulish Minions to restore 10% health and mana per minion consumed. •Deathstorm — Strikes an enemy with a deathbolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 12 targets, causing Shadow damage to each. •Gift of the Lich King — Raise ghouls from dead Lordaeron Footmen in the target area. •Soul Cleave — Inflicts weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets and restoring 5% of your mana.   The Hunter and the Prince •Annihilate — Leap at Illidan dealing weapon damage +520000 and stunning him for 6 seconds. •Deathstrike — Deals weapon damage +26000. •Parry — Parry Illidan's next attack and regenerate 25% of your mana if successful. •Stomp — Knock Illidan back.   A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow •Death Coil — Deals 133 to 161 Shadow damage to a nearby random target.

    As a human, Arthas was a man of action - brave, impulsive and straightforward. He was an inspiring leader, leading his men by example and more than once leading charges in his campaigns against the Plague. In conversations with others, he appeared witty and easy-going, yet able to hold true to his decisions and convince others to accept them. At the same time, Arthas was vindictive, quick to anger, and exceptionally arrogant, often being reprimanded by Uther for his hastiness (as at Stratholme) and even naming his horse "Invincible" as (it is implied) a symptom of his self-aggrandizement. He never took well to losing and had difficulty admitting his mistakes. He always sought the approval of others (such as his father) and often felt underappreciated. He could not stand the thought of others betraying his trust, going as far as making Jaina promise never to deny him anything.

    After he murdered his father, Arthas claimed he no longer felt remorse, shame, or pity, which may be explained by him losing his soul to Frostmourne. He became a ruthless and cynical person with a grim sense of humor, regularly mocking his enemies and gloating over their defeats or deaths (e.g. as he did with his former mentor Uther). This is perhaps most notable in his resurrection, control and torture of Sylvanas Windrunner—specifically raising her as a banshee for him to toy with and force her to murder her own kind. Even as a death knight, though, Arthas felt as though the last remnants of his humanity were holding him back, and he still regularly thought of Jaina and his past life. He also still showed a degree of attachment to things he valued in life that echoed his humanity, most notably Invincible.

    As a paladin, Arthas was a tall, athletic handsome man with tanned skin, emerald green eyes, and long golden blonde hair. He mainly wore golden paladin armor with a blue cape and a lion symbol on his chest.

    After losing his soul and becoming a death knight his appearance changed dramatically, his face became deathly pale and skull-like, his previously green eyes were now a bright icy blue and his hair turned completely white.

    Reign of Chaos

    This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne. •"Can the formalities, Uther. I'm not king yet. It's good to see you." •"Gentlemen, meet Miss Jaina Proudmoore, special agent to the Kirin Tor, and one of the most talented sorceresses in the land." •"The plague was never meant to simply kill my people. It was meant to turn them... into the undead! Defend yourselves!" •"Then we should strike at their leader! I'll go to Stratholme and kill Mal'Ganis myself if I have to!" •"Nothing he can say will make me abandon my homeland, Jaina. I don't care if that madman has seen the future. Let's go." •"This entire city must be purged." •"Damn it, Uther! As your future king, I order you to purge this city!" •"Then I must consider this an act of treason." •"Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service." •"I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!" •"Uther had my troops recalled? Damn it! If my warriors abandon me, I'll never defeat Mal'Ganis. The ships must be burned before the men reach the shore!" •"I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland." •"Damn the men! Nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge, old friend. Not even you." •"Now, I call out to the spirits of this place. I will give anything or pay any price, if only you will help me save my people." •"You waste your breath, Mal'Ganis. I heed only the voice of Frostmourne now." •"He tells me the time for my vengeance has come." •"You no longer need to sacrifice for your people. You no longer need to bear the weight of your crown. I've taken care of everything." •"This kingdom shall fall, and from the ashes shall arise a new order that will shake the very foundations of the world." •"I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved in his name, and I still feel no remorse. No shame. No pity." •"We may never know, Uther. I intend to live forever." •"After all you've put me through, woman, the last thing I'll give you is the peace of death." •"Citizens of Silvermoon! I have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused! Know that today, your entire race and your ancient heritage will end! Death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves!" •"Wizards of the Kirin Tor! I am Arthas, first of the Lich King's death knights! I demand that you open your gates and surrender to the might of the Scourge!" •"My master sees all, demon hunter. He knows that you've sought power your whole life. Now it lies within your grasp! Seize it, and your enemies will be undone."

    The Frozen Throne

    This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne. •"Greetings, dreadlords. I should thank you for looking after my kingdom during my absence. However, I won't be requiring your services any longer." •"I have returned, lich, but you will now address me as King. This is, after all, my land. Now we must secure the kingdom by scouring the last remnants of humanity from it!" •"Take me back to the capital. I have a long journey ahead of me." •"You have been a loyal friend, Kel'Thuzad. I don't know what the future holds, or if I'll even return, but I want you to watch over this land. See to it that my legacy endures." •"Sorry we don't have time to chat, great wyrm. We've come to murder you and steal whatever artifacts you've been hoarding over the centuries." •"Muradin's dwarves? Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?" •"I saw another vision of the Lich King. He has restored my powers! I know now what I must do. It's time to end the game... once and for all." •"Illidan has mocked the Scourge long enough! It's time we put the fear of death back in him." •"The Frozen Throne is mine, demon. Step aside. Leave this world and never return. If you do, I'll be waiting."

    Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

    This section concerns content related to Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. No we. No one tells me what to do. I've got everything I need from you—now the power is mine and mine alone. Now there is only I. I am the Lich King. And I am ready.

    “Men, women and children... None were spared the master's wrath.”

    — Falric

    Arthas' personal kill count contains several characters in Warcraft's lore, including the kings of three powerful nations. This list includes:

    •Slave Master (killed in Strahnbrad, Warcraft III)

    •Searinox (killed near Strahnbrad, Warcraft III)

    •Blademaster of the Blackrock Clan (killed near Strahnbrad, Warcraft III)

    In an alternate timeline visited by Thrall, Arthas never became the Lich King. Instead, he married Jaina and became a father.[106]

  2. Sep 25, 2020 · Arthas murders his own father, the King of Lordaeron, and destroys the kingdom in the name of the Lich King. Eventually, Arthas merges with Ner'zhul and becomes the new Lich King himself, thus taking control of the Scourge and becoming one of the most famous villains in World of Warcraft history.

    • Associate Editor-Gaming
  3. Sep 28, 2023 · Arthas went insane and became obsessed with finding and killing MalGanis, a dreadlord who was leading the Scourge in Lordaeron. Mal’Ganis taunted Arthas and challenged him to follow him to Northrend, a frozen continent where the Lich King’s throne was located.

  4. We all know that Arthas went after Frostmourne and Mal'ganis to save his homeland. However, he then went on to destroy that homeland. Why did he do that? And, possibly more importantly, why did he do what he did during WotLK? Why did he want to 'remake the world in his image'?

  5. Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron and Knight of the Silver Hand, was the son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the kingdom's throne.

  6. Feb 23, 2007 · What: Human at first, kinda undead later. History: Arthas was the son of King Terenas Menethil, ruler of Lordaeron. As a youth, he trained in the art of combat and joined the Silver Hand, a group...