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  1. Logic is the formal science of using reason and is considered a branch of both philosophy and mathematics and to a lesser extent computer science. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments, both through the study of formal systems of inference and the study of arguments in natural language.

    • Introduction
    • Part I: being.
    • Part Second — Essence
    • Appendix — The Antinomies.
    • Part Third — Comprehension.
    • Footnotes

    1.The Science of Logic has for its object the thinking activity and the entire compass of its determinations. “Natural Logic” is a name given to the natural understanding which man possesses by nature, and the immediate use which be makes of it. The Science of Logic, however, is the Knowing of the Thinking in its truth. Explanatory — Logic consider...

    First Division — Quality.

    8.Quality is the immediate determinateness, whose change is the transition into a Different.

    Second Division — Quantity.

    21. Through quality a somewhat is what it is. Through change of quality, there is changed not merely a determination of the somewhat — or of the Finite — but the Finite somewhat, itself changes. Quantity, on the contrary, is the determination which does not constitute the nature of the object itself; it is rather an “indifferentdistinction,” which may be changed, while the object remains the same. 22.Quantity is the cancelled Being-for-itself (or One). It is, therefore, an unbroken CONTINUITY...

    Third Division — Measure.

    30.“Measure” is a SPECIFIC QUANTUM in so far asit is not external, but is determined through the nature of the object, through quality. 31.In the change of a “quantum,” in its increaseor decrease, which goes on within its “measure,” there enters likewise aspecifying process, in which the indifferent, external movement of magnitude up and downthe scale, is determined and modified through the nature of the thing itself. 32.When the “measure” of a thing is changed, thething itself changes and ce...

    33.Essence is Being which has returned from itsimmediateness and its indifferent relation to others into simple unity with itself.

    69.The categories, the determinations of Being are simple;but the determinations which do not constitute the primitive elements, i.e. thedeterminations of Essence, are simple only in so far as their antithetical moments arereduced to simplicity. Whenever such a category is predicated of a subject and isdeveloped through the analysis of those antith...

    88.The science of the Comprehension (concepts), orsubjective logic, has for its object the Comprehension, and not the Categories, anddeterminations of Reflection. The Category posits Being in a determinateness as limit;Reflection posits essence in a determination which is mediated through the presuppositionof another. The Comprehension [conception?...

    1. The following compend of Hegel's Logic is translated from the same volume as the “Outlines of Hegel's Phenomenology.” [In 1840, The Editors of Hegel's works published a small volume with the title, Hegel's Philosophical Propaedeutics. The work, which was edited by Karl Rosenkranz, contains substantially the original outline of the Course of Inst...

  2. Outline of Logic Introduction Being 1 Quality 2 Quantity 3 Measure Essence 1 Essence in Itself 2 Phenomenon 3 Actuality Comprehension 1 Comprehension 2 Final Cause 3 The Idea. Translated by Wm. T. Harris. In 1840, The Editors of Hegel's works published a small volume with the title, Hegel's Philosophical Propaedeutics.

  3. In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of logical analysis and how to use them in evaluating arguments, with the help of two systems of notation. The languages of Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic will be introduced.

  4. 1. Introduction: What is Logic? Mathematical Logic is, at least in its origins, the study of reasoning as used in mathematics. Mathematical reasoning is deductive — that is, it consists of drawing (correct) conclusions from given hypotheses. Thus the basic concept is that of a statement being a logical consequence of some other statements.

  5. Description: This course aims to promote reasoning skills, especially the ability to distinguish valid and invalid reasoning. We will study syllogistic logic, propositional logic, and propositional proofs.

  6. Jul 22, 1998 · Schaum's Outline of Logic. John Nolt, Dennis Rohatyn, Achille Varzi. McGraw Hill Professional, Jul 22, 1998 - Philosophy - 280 pages. The explosive progress of logic, since Frege, has...