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  1. Summer opening times: May to September, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 8pm; Sundays and public holidays, 10am to 3pm.

  2. Web oficial del Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Conoce la colección de arte y ponte al día con las exposiciones y actividades que te ofrecemos.

  3. Opening hours and prices of the admission tickets to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. Information about free admission.

  4. The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya is located in the Palau Nacional of Montjuïc, constructed for the International Exposition of 1929. In 1934 it opened its doors as the Museu d'Art de Catalunya, bringing together the medieval collection.

  5. Reasons for coming to the museum. Resources for the visit. Visit The highlights. Accessibilty. Visitor services. Group visits and professionals. Good practices. #elMuseuNacionalACasa. © Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona.

  6. Saturdays, from 3.00pm onwards, all the first Sundays of each month, 11th and 24th September and 18th May, the International Day of Museums, are free of charge. You can consult the other free offers as well as discounts in the opening times and prices section.

  7. Accesses to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya: Metro, bus, train, funicular, car, bicycle, on foot…

  8. L'Arxiu del Museu Nacional es va crear l'any 1995 amb l'objectiu de gestionar els fons arxivístics de la institució. Des de l’any 1997, també ha impulsat i implantat el Sistema de Gestió Documental del museu (pdf).

  9. Completion of the conditioning works of the Palau Nacional and the move and installation of the modern art collections, up until then located in the Parc de la Ciutadella. On 16 December, their Majesties the King and Queen presided the official inauguration.

  10. Horario del museo. Horario de invierno: de octubre a abril, de martes a sábado, de 10 a 18 h; domingos y festivos, de 10 a 15 h. Horario de verano: de mayo a septiembre, de martes a sábado, de 10 a 20 h; domingos y festivos, de 10 a 15 h. Lunes cerrado, salvo festivos.