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  1. distress: 핵심 요약. distress [dɪˈstres] 이라는 용어는 극도의 불안, 슬픔 또는 고통뿐만 아니라 선박이나 항공기가 위험하거나 어려움에 처한 상태를 의미합니다. 예를 들면 '아버지의 사망 소식은 그녀에게 큰 고통을 안겨주었습니다.'. 그리고 '침몰하기 시작했을 ...

  2. 1 Purpose: Solatium is given as a token of sympathy or consolation, while compensation is given as a form of reparation for loss or harm caused. 2 Scope: Compensation is broader in scope and can cover a wider range of losses or damages, while solatium is more specific to emotional distress or mental anguish.

  3. はい、そうです。「distress」とは、極度の心配や悲しみ、痛みを感じることを意味します。このような感情は間違いなく「stress」によってもたらされたり、「stress」の原因となったりするものですよね。「stress」とは、誰かを緊張させたり心配させたりする肉体的、精神的、感情的な要因のことです。「distress」を感じているときは、精神的にも肉体的にも緊張してい ...

  4. The antonyms have distinct nuances: Shame conveys a feeling of humiliation or distress, disgrace denotes a loss of reputation or respect, and dishonor refers to a state of shame or disgrace resulting from a lack or loss of honor or respect. Use these words to express regret, condemn dishonorable actions, and enrich writing by creating complex characters and compelling stories.

  5. It can be used to describe various forms of suffering, such as the tormentations of a prisoner or the tormentation of a chronic illness. Phrases like 'mental tormentation' and 'self-tormentation' describe specific types of distress, while 'tormenting thoughts' refer to persistent and distressing thoughts.

  6. Heartaching and heartbreaking are synonyms that describe emotional pain or distress. However, heartbreaking is more intense and severe, caused by a significant loss or disappointment, and can last longer than heartaching. On the other hand, heartaching refers to a less severe emotional pain or distress caused by minor setbacks or disappointments.

  7. A company in distress makes trouble less.과 유사한 의미를 갖는 표현. Strength in numbers. 한 집단의 사람들이 개인보다 더 많은 권력이나 영향력을 가지고 있다는 생각. 예문. The protesters knew that there was strength in numbers and gathered in large groups to make their voices heard. 시위대는 ...

  8. 1 Focus: Console emphasizes offering emotional support and sympathy, while soothe focuses on alleviating physical or emotional discomfort. 2 Method: Console often involves verbal communication and empathy, while soothe may involve physical touch or sensory experiences. 3 Intensity: Console implies a deeper level of emotional distress or grief ...

  9. Company in distress makes trouble less. Taking action now can prevent further damage. 운영상의 어려움을 피하는 대신 직접 직면해야 합니다. 곤경에 처한 회사는 문제를 덜 일으킵니다. 지금 조치를 취하면 추가 피해를 방지할 수 있습니다. By acknowledging and resolving the financial challenges ...

  10. Stress는 두 개의 뜻을 가지고 있어요. 하나는 중요한 어떤 것 앞에 "강세"를 둬서 강조를 하는 걸 뜻하고, 나머지 하나는 부담감이나 긴장감을 나타내는 "스트레스"를 말해요. Distress는 극도로 긴장하거나, 아프거나, 슬픈 걸 말해요. 이렇게 두 단어의 감정을 나타내는 의미 사이의 연관성을 확인하실 수 있어요. 또한 주로 장기적인 stress는 distress를 유발할 수 있다는 말도 자주 ...

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