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  1. The PRAGMA keyword is used to signify that the remainder of the PL/SQL statement is a pragma, or directive, to the compiler. Also called apseudoinstruction, a pragma simply passes information to the compiler rather than getting transformed into a particular execution.

  2. Mar 18, 2024 · It's used to map a custom exception to a specific Oracle error code. inline: This pragma instructs the compiler to attempt to inline the code of a function or a procedure at its call site. Inlining can improve performance by eliminating the overhead of calling a separate subprogram.

  3. May 11, 2010 · BEGIN. SELECT 'x' || function_private(x) INTO ret FROM dual; return ret; END; END PRAGMA_TEST; The code compiles if I add WNDS, WNPS pragma to function_private. It seems to me pragma can be used only in the package declaration, and not in package body, so I have to declare function_private in the package as well:

  4. A programming notion that is truly derived from Greek is pragma, which means “deed” or, by implication, an “action.” In various programming languages, a pragma is generally a line of source code prescribing an action you want the compiler to take.

  5. › cd › E19957-01Pragmas - Oracle

    A pragma is a compiler directive that allows you to provide additional information to the compiler. This information can change compilation details that are not otherwise under your control. For example, the pack pragma affects the layout of data within a structure. Compiler pragmas are also called directives.

  6. To do it, you use the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma as follows: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (exception_name, error_code) Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) In this syntax, the error_code is an integer that ranges from -20,999 to -20,000 .

  7. In PL/SQL, a pragma is a directive that instructs the compiler to perform a compilation option. A pragma is a compiler directive that is processed at compile time, not at run time.

  8. pragma autonomous_transaction; begin. for i in 3 .. 10 loop. insert into at_test (id, description) values (i, 'Description for ' || i); end loop; commit; end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. select * from at_test;

  9. The AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma marks a routine as autonomous; that is, independent of the main transaction.

  10. The INLINE pragma specifies whether a subprogram invocation is to be inlined. Inlining replaces a subprogram invocation with a copy of the invoked subprogram (if the invoked and invoking subprograms are in the same program unit). Note: