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  1. The compiler for next generation JavaScript.

  2. Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Here are the main things Babel can do for you: Transform syntax. Polyfill features that are missing in your target environment (through a third-party polyfill such as core-js)

  3. Overview. This guide will show you how to compile your JavaScript application code that uses ES2015+ syntax into code that works in current browsers. That will involve both transforming new syntax and polyfilling missing features. The entire process to set this up involves: Running these commands to install the packages: npm. Yarn. pnpm.

  4. Babel is a free and open-source JavaScript transcompiler that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ (ES6+) code into backwards-compatible JavaScript code that can be run by older JavaScript engines. It allows web developers to take advantage of the newest features of the language.

  5. Babel is a tool that helps you write code in the latest version of JavaScript. When your supported environments don't support certain features natively, Babel will help you compile those features down to a supported version.

  6. Babel is a JavaScript compiler. Use next generation JavaScript, today. Grab yourself a copy of Exploring ES6 today! Babel transforms your JavaScript. You put JavaScript in. myJavaScript("foobar"); And get JavaScript out. myNewTransformedJavaScript("yay!"); ES2015 and beyond. By default, Babel ships with a set of ES2015 syntax transformers.

  7. Babel is a JavaScript compiler. Use next generation JavaScript, today. Get browser-compatible JavaScript out. Check out our REPL to experiment more with Babel! Personal Experiences at Babel #1 — A PR with Unusually High Number of Reviews. Ready to get started? Install the Babel CLI and a preset. npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env.

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