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  1. › wiki › Deer_muskDeer musk - Wikipedia

    Deer musk is a substance with a persistent odor, obtained from the caudal glands of the male musk deer. Although more commonly referred to as " musk ", the term itself is often used to describe a wide variety of "musky" substances from other animals such as the African civet ("civet musk") or various synthetic musks whose compound exhibits some ...

  2. Jan 1, 2018 · Kasturi – Musk, as commonly known, is a secretion from the animal Moschus Moschiferus or popularly known as Musk Deer found in the Himalayan mountains. The musk is used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, neurological diseases, nausea, bad odor, strengthening cardiac muscles and respiratory diseases.

  3. कस्तूरी मृग (Musk deer) एशिया (विशेषकर हिमालय) में मिलने वाले सम-ऊँगली खुरदार प्राणियों का एक जीववैज्ञानिक वंश है, जिसमें सात ज्ञात जातियाँ हैं। इस वंश का वैज्ञानिक नाम मोस्कस (Moschus) है, जो मोस्किडाए (Moschidae) नामक जीववैज्ञानिक कुल का एकमात्र वंश है (इस कुल के अन्य वंश सभी विलुप्त हो चुके हैं)। कस्तूरी मृग देखने में हिरण जैसे दिखते हैं और ल...

  4. Kasturi Musk is a rare, natural scent derived from the gland of the male musk deer. It has been prized for centuries for its rich, earthy aroma and is often used in high-quality perfumes, incense, and traditional medicines.

  5. Sep 15, 2018 · Once when roaming about and frolicking among the hills and dales, a Kasturi-Mriga suddenly became aware of an exquisite musk-scent which stirred the innermost depths of its soul so profoundly that the deer was determined to find the source of this heavenly fragrance.

  6. Jan 18, 2022 · कस्तूरी के फायदे. डॉक्टरी की सलाह पर सीमित रूप से कस्तूरी का सेवन करने से इसके निम्नलिखित फायदे हो सकते हैं - आयुर्वेद में कस्तूरी को खास महत्व दिया गया है. इसके इस्तेमाल से आंखों की रोशनी तेज हो सकती है. जिन लोगों को स्तंभन दोष या कामेच्छा की कमी होती है, उनके लिए इसका सेवन काफी लाभदायक होता है.

  7. The Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster), is a shy solitary, Himalayan mammal listed as endangered under the IUCN category (CITES-appendix I and IUCN Red Data Book). Musk deer are commonly known as Kasturi Mriga in Nepali and Lah in the Tibetan language spoken in the mountainous western region of Nepal.

  8. The Indian Musk Deer or Kasturi Mrigha with the scientific name Moschus spp. is the only genus of the Moschidae family. It is primitive than cervids or true deer. Various Musk deer species are found in 13 countries in Asia and Russia. It falls under the family Moschidae and species Moschus spp.

  9. The Musk deer is commonly found in Nepal region. Kasturi fetches very high price in markets due to its aromatic and medicinal properties. Kasturi is procured from the belly of the deer. Healers inform about a special technique to obtain the Musk without killing the deer.

  10. Aug 2, 2023 · Extracting Kasturi from deer involves a meticulous process which is no longer widely practiced due to ethical and conservation concerns. Traditionally, Kasturi, also known as musk, is derived from the Musk deer found in the Himalayas.