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  1. Jul 28, 2020 · I have always heard 'okey-dokey' used to indicate understanding or compliance, in situations where "OK" might be used for that purpose (only). E.g. I'll see you at 2 PM - Okey-dokey. Lock the office after you leave - Okey dokey. I would not expect it to be used for all situations where "OK" is used, e.g. I am OK, the car is OK, that is OK, etc.

  2. Jun 5, 2013 · okey的变体,相当于:okeydoke, okey, sure, alright, sure thing 最早出现在1930年左右的美国,第一次出现在印刷物上是在1932年的某期 American Speech 杂志上。 这个词比较有名的是,在《夺宝奇兵2》中,被其中的角色Short Round(那个戴帽子的越南演员,中文译作“小轻快”)使用,据说是跟那个年代的用语相符。

  3. 请教我一下例句 自由提问. okey dokeySimplemente significa "Ok"|Ok|It's kind of a unique way of saying ok. It's Informal|Friendly or casual way of saying "okay".|a friendly way to say okay|An intentionally silly way to say "okay".的定义.

  4. okeyI only use Okey when I'm saying Okey dokey. that's not often though. it sounds more childish than okay. however, they are the same.|"okey" is the incorrect spelling of "okay"|@Racne99 We don't use Okay as often as we use okay.|I'm not sure of the word okey|meaning of both are same but its uses are different in different countries |I would just stick to okay cause that's the proper spelling 的同义词

  5. 这个应该算是reduplication的一种,目的是为了口语表达押韵,有别于重复叠字(例如意大利语的piano piano相比piano有强化语气作用),与元音变换叠字(例如英语的hip hop, knick knack;德语的Wirrwarr, Hickhack;这类叠字中相当一部分属于拟声叠字)很像,但通常是变化的是首音节(不分元音辅音);理论上不存在叠字数量上限,比如题主举的okey dokey这个例子后面常常还会跟个smokey ...

  6. okey-dokey@Weishi11 well, you can use it in both, since in English there isn’t much of a casual and formal type of conversation. But I would describe “okey-dokey” as saying ok in a cute way, so I would use it more with friends or people I’m close with in general (-:|It is someone trying to be cute and funny so use it as a casual.的定义.

  7. okey和Okay其实都一样,不过okey的用法更随意。. 三者表达的是同一个意思(好、行、可以、没问题),正式度上来说okay大于okey,ok就是个缩写。. 没区别.

  8. Apr 25, 2015 · 咖喱蛤蜊 虾饺蟹条. 编辑于 2015-05-08 07:33. Kirin. . 国家二级搬砖师. 6 人赞同了该回答. 不知道早年间郭女侠的“确定一定以及肯定”算不算。. 发布于 2015-04-25 18:38. 英语口语表达中有很多押韵的应用,比如说super-duper呀、Stick and stone呀、Never ever还有Okey-Dokey之….

  9. okie dokie@MattiaIT You can use it instead of "OK" Its informal, so don't use it around superiors. You can say "okie Doki" "Okay" "OK" "Sure" "Fine" 的定义

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