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  1. Lower Mahattan什么意思Lower Manhattan:“下曼哈顿”地区。 在曼哈顿,“上下城”的用法和其他美国城市有区别。 在这里,上城(uptown)指的是北部,下城(downtown)指的是南部,如“上城列车”的意思是驶往北部的列

  2. Aug 19, 2010 · Lower Manhattan:“下曼哈顿”地区。 在曼哈顿,“上下城”的用法和其他美国城市有区别。在这里,上城(uptown)指的是北部,下城(downtown)指的是南部,如“上城列车”的意思是驶往北部的列车。休斯顿街以北,几乎所有东西走向的街道用数字标记,从南往北 ...

  3. Jul 20, 2023 · "lower"通常用作形容词,表示位置或高度的较低部分。你可以说"the lower part of a building"(建筑的较低部分),"the lower gear"(较低的齿轮),或者"lower Manhattan"(曼哈顿下城)。 总的来说,"bottom"更强调事物的底部或最低部分,而"lower"更强调位置或高度的较低部分。

  4. › question › 633502226551158804归零 英文 - 百度知道

    归零的英语翻译是zero,make zero,return to zero, return to null ,nullify。. 以下是归零在英文例句应用中的例子。. 1.The rebuilding continues at ground (zero) in Lower Manhattan, turning the scene of a tragedy into a symbol of renewal. 重建工程于 曼哈顿 的归零地继续着,将幕幕惨剧转变成了 ...

  5. New York's financial district, led by Lower Manhattan and Wall Street, is known as the world's financial center. Among the top 500 companies in the world, 17 are headquartered in New York. The New York Stock Exchange, the world's second largest stock exchange, was the largest stock exchange until 1996 when its trading volume was overtaken by Nasdaq.

  6. 在曼哈顿,“上、下城”的用法和其他美国城市有区别。. 在这里,上城(Uptown)指的是北部(哈德逊河上游),下城(Downtown)指的是南部(哈德逊河下游),如“上城列车”的意思是驶往北部的列车。. 休斯顿街以北,几乎所有东西走向的街道用数字标记,从 ...

  7. The river waters roll by below their feet, sullen or sparkling. Tugboats chug past, shoving and hauling their variously laden barges; on a shrouded morning, foghorns hoot and moan. The famous skyline of lower Manhattan rises before them, glittering in sun, afloat in mist, against a backdrop of sky never twice the same.

  8. Though I'm chugging along, Put away by the crossing hand. We'll be heading for Portland, or Limburgh or Lower Manhattan. Find myself running around. I don't know what it is so get me over. I don't know what it is so get me over. I don't know what it is so get me over. To get me over.

  9. Apr 11, 2006 · New York纽约 A huge suspension bridge, the second largest span in the world, now crosses the Verrazanon Narrows through which every ship must pass on its way to New York Harbor and the docks along side the banks of the Hudson River.Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian explorer, was the first person to approach these narrows, while searching for a northwest passage to the Pacific in 1524.He paused, but decided there was no point in exploring any further.The English explorer, Henry Hudson, was ...

  10. Secondary school的英文:初中,中学。. 是属于初中。. 词汇解析. 1、secondary. 英 ['sek (ə)nd (ə)rɪ];美 ['sɛkəndɛri] adj. 第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的. n. 副手;代理人. 例:The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings.