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  1. Aug 25, 2004 · I rescued a pup who had been left in a box in an alley way in 100 degree weather. She is beautiful. It broke my heart that someone left her there to die. I named her Belle Ame because I wanted to name her Beautiful Soul and being of French descent I wanted to use the French name for her.

  2. Sep 5, 2009 · Dear friends, I'm looking for an English eqivalent of "ça me fait une belle jambe" and I would appreciate any of your thoughts on the subject. Thanks for your help. Gary

  3. Sep 4, 2011 · French. Sep 4, 2011. #4. To sound more natural, I'd say : - qu'est ce que t'es belle ! Youths easily say something like : 't'es trop belle' ! (trop expresses an accentuation) But, be careful that you know the person quite well to use 'tu'. For more 'formal' relationships, 'vous' is rather preferable ! You'll say then : Vous êtes très belle.

  4. Feb 7, 2009 · In found a version of the book (Broché) named Her Lover: Belle du Seigneur (Amazon). Belle du seigneur is not a name, I think it's a translation for "lover" or even "favourite".

  5. May 21, 2009 · Boulder Colorado USA. USA English. May 21, 2009. #1. Does anyone know what "La belle avance" means in the following context?: Alice (in Wonderland) is frustrated that her sister's book has no illustrations or conversations and she says; "La belle avance, qu'un livre sans images, sans causeries". Thanks for any help, Max.

  6. Aug 23, 2010 · Good point: to write Belle Époque in a WordReference post I have to either copy it from someone else's post or laboriously create the É in a word document and copy it over. Then, interpreting Wikipedia's rule, " isolated foreign words that do not yet have everyday use in non-specialised English ", I would say that you tend to find the term in specialist writing about French social history.

  7. Aug 11, 2008 · Beau, fils. Beau est ici un terme d'affection qui, se disant très souvent dans le moyen âge quand on s'adressait à des personnes qu'on aimait, bele suer, bele amie, biaus dous fils, etc. s'est attaché, dans la langue nouvelle, aux termes de parenté par alliance.

  8. Dec 30, 2013 · France, Plateau du Vercors. France, Français. Dec 30, 2013. #3. It should, from a grammatical standpoint, as rêve is masculine and belle is feminine. Now a possible explanation would be that it used to be Belle rive (bank of a river, a lake...), with rive later spelled reve to keep a consistent pronunciation. A.

  9. Sep 5, 2008 · Sep 5, 2008. #2. On ne dit jamais "c'est belle" ; la formulation est incorrecte (je ne saurais pas donner d'explication vu mon inculture grammaticale, mais j'en suis certain ). Pour dire que "quelque chose" est beau en utilisant cette forme, on dira uniquement "c'est beau". S.

  10. Dec 17, 2011 · Hi everyone, I know a movie called 'La vita è bella' ,but if i want to translate it into French, can i say 'la belle vie' instead of 'la vie est belle', or 'la vie belle'? Thanks a lot!

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