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  1. Aug 18, 2009 · 更多回答(1). Behind the door______my raincoat.hang 1.挂 hung——hung当表示挂这个动作时为及物动词 当表示挂着的状态时为不及物动词 2.吊死 hanged——hanged例句 The picture was hung onto the wa.

  2. May 1, 2007 · There is a dog sitting behind it (the door). There must be a dog sitting behind it. 一个句子中不能出现两个谓语动词,所以不能用sit,而要用分词形式,sat或sitting。. 这取决于这个动词和它前面那个名词的关系,如果是主动,就用sitting,被动就用sat. -What is behind the door?不 用 sat ...

  3. May 26, 2015 · 如: Shut the door after you.(1) Shut the door behind you.(2) (1)句的意思是“随手关门”,after含有离开与关门两个动作的先后的意味;(2)句的意思是“关上你背后的门”,behind表示门的静止状态的意味,正因为如此,我们通常说:Don't stand behind the door,而不 ...

  4. Apr 27, 2017 · behind each door you open are chances to learn n此句为倒装句,原句顺序为:Chances to learn new things are behind each door you open,主语为chances属于复数形式,因此be动词用are,倒装句起强调作用,强调

  5. Feb 20, 2012 · That car is in front of the bank. 1. 评论. 分享. 举报. 用 behind、in、front、 of、nextto、 across from、 betweenThere's a cat behind the door.There's a diary in front of the computerThere's a chair next to the desk.The store is across from the.

  6. Jun 23, 2012 · 更多回答(1). 有一道题目My coat _______there behind the door. Can't you see it?A. is hanged B. is hanging C. hangs因为hang是不及物动词,表示“悬挂”。. 这里是进行时,表示衣服正挂在门后面。. 所以选Bhung是过去分词,.

  7. behind the door 在门后面 双语对照 例句: 1. Behind the door, users will find multiple product lines. 用户可以在进入这个门户后发现多个产品线。 2. The dip in the waistline behind the door was an especially nice touch, not soon to be repeated. 腰线在车门后方略有下降,这个细节特别出彩,不会很快 ...

  8. Jan 23, 2013 · From there, he will fly to Perth. He will soon visit Darwin,from where he will fly to Perth. 高中英语语法答:where=behind the door, from where =from behind the door我们知道,from这个介词可以这么用的。. NCE Book2, Lesson 4 :He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth.这两句话,如.

  9. Sep 13, 2007 · 故选B比选A更好。. -Is this raincoat yours? -No, mine is hanging there behind the door. -这是你的雨衣吗?. -不,我的正挂在门后。. Is this raincoat yours?-------No, mine ____there behind the door在语法上均没错 用A的话 表示我的衣服挂在门后,但是不能否定别人所问的这件雨衣是你的。.

  10. Apr 18, 2008 · 更多回答(4). When i came in, i found a boy hide behind the door.改错你忽略了一个很重要的问题,就是HIDE这个动词是表状态的,,它没有具体的一个动作,它不可表示一个正在进行的动作,所以它不能用ing形式,表状态的动词的过.