Feb 20, 2014 · 当年在方盒子365就是负责 Ascension 的翻译工作,并且在Ascension 官方论坛上写《每日一牌》栏目啥的。 后来 Ascension 作为两至四人游戏在我家开的次数也不少。回北京探亲还送了一套给他弟弟做礼物。 顺便来爆一个当年的八卦。
Faith-based healthcare organization and subsidiary of Ascension
Ascension is a large private Catholic healthcare system in the United States. Ascension had 142,000 employees, 142 hospitals, and 40 senior living facilities operating in 19 states and the District of Columbia as of the end of 2021. Wikipedia