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  1. Sep 24, 2024 · Apparently Joshua had high aspirations when he was told the territory extended to “all the land of the Hitties” (Joshua 1:4). This may be a reference, however to a mythical creature in Hittite culture called the “KAL” which is the Hebrew word for “all” as in Genesis 1:31; “And saw Elohim the All which he had made and behold it was good, exceedingly.”

  2. Aug 6, 2024 · The whole story of “Jericho” is just a myth. Jericho was already long time before Joshua “arrived” by earthquake destroyed and not built up long time. See Finkelstein & Silberman. So when (better if…) Joshua ever arrived in Jericho there had been already ruins. So the whole story of Rahab belongs into the biblical trash can.

  3. Jun 7, 2024 · Following the description in Joshua 4:19, Gilgal was located on the “eastern border of Jericho,” while later Byzantine descriptions suggest it was a few miles east of the ancient city. This puts the important cultic site right along the road leading from ancient Israel to the land of Moab in Transjordan, which would explain why Ehud stopped there on his way to assassinate Eglon, the Moabite king (Judges 3).

  4. Apr 4, 2024 · In Joshua 16:10, 21:21; and Judges 1:29; we find that Gezer was portioned as half-Jewish priests with their families and half-Canaanite. The Babylonian language entered the land with distinction in ca. 1450 B.C. with the invasion of Chushanrishathamin (Judges 3:8) , and remained the language of trade from 1450 B.C. until ca. 1211 B.C., some 239 years later.

  5. Mar 16, 2023 · One gilgal served as the site of the circumcision of the generation of Hebrews born during the wilderness wanderings as well as their celebration of the Passover (Joshua 5:2–11). Another gilgal was located near Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim, where the Israel¬ites renewed their covenant with Yahweh in the midst of the settlement (Deuteronomy 11:30).

  6. Apr 29, 2022 · Although Balaam’s main narrative ends in Numbers 24, he is mentioned in four other books as well: Deuteronomy 23:4–5; Joshua 13:22, 24:9–10; Micah 6:5; and Nehemiah 13:2. Among the four biblical books, only Micah presents Balaam in a slightly more positive light, where his story is included in a list of God’s saving acts.

  7. May 19, 2023 · Zertal interpreted the site and the earlier circular feature to be the location of Joshua’s altar (Joshua 8:30), though many dispute this identification. The tablet was only recovered in 2019, however, when archaeologists with ABR began a project to wet sift the soil dumps from the Mt. Ebal excavation in hopes of identifying artifacts that had been missed during the original dig.

  8. Jun 15, 2022 · Eleazar’s name precedes Joshua’s in many passages, a textual hint that at that time, he may have been the more prominent (Joshua 17:4; 19:51; 21:1). The Book of Joshua ends with the deaths and burials of these leaders. Joshua dies at age 110; the biblical text notes he was buried in the hill country of Ephraim (Joshua 24:29–30).

  9. Aug 1, 2013 · He excavated the site for several seasons (between 1982 and 1989) and in a series of academic, semi-popular and popular articles,* as well as in chapters of a popular book on his understanding of the development of early Israel, he argued that the site was an Israelite cultic site, and that it can be equated with the altar that Joshua built on Mt. Ebal, as described in the Bible (Joshua 8:30–35). He also contended that the main structure at the site should be understood as a stone-built ...

  10. Apr 3, 2015 · Joshua 10 describes how the Canaanites in Lachish banded together with other Canaanite cities to confront the invading Israelites, only to lose a major battle. Second Kings 14:19 relates the story of the assassination of King Amaziah of Judah at Lachish, after he fled there from Jerusalem.

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