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The best way to get from Ahmedabad to Pune is to fly which takes 1h 59m and costs ₹3,700 - ₹15,000. Alternatively, you can train, which costs ₹330 - ₹7,500 and takes 11h 3m, you could also bus, which costs ₹650 - ₹6,000 and takes 17h 45m. Launch map view.
The Distance between Ahmedabad to Pune by road is 660KM. The aerial distance from Ahmedabad to Pune is 518KM.
Pune is approximately 550+ kms from Ahmedabad. The fastest way to reach Pune from Ahmedabad is by Flight. It takes approximately 1 hour. The cheapest way to reach Pune from Ahmedabad is by Train which would take approximately 12 hours.
The best way to get from Ahmedabad to Pune Junction is to fly which takes 1h 55m and costs $45 - $140. Alternatively, you can train, which costs $4 - $90 and takes 11h 30m, you could also bus, which costs $7 - $70 and takes 17h 45m. Launch map view. Distance: 333.1 mi.
The shortest distance (air line) between Ahmedabad and Pune is 323.17 mi (520.09 km). Driving route: -- ( - ) The shortest route between Ahmedabad and Pune is according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. . Half of the trip is reached in . Flight route: 272.51 mi (438.56 km) (1h 0min)
Get a quick answer: It's 413 miles or 665 km from Ahmedabad to Pune, which takes about 11 hours, 54 minutes to drive. Check a real road trip to save time. Plan a Road Trip
Distance between Ahmedabad and Pune is 518 kilometers (321 miles) in India. Also calculate the driving distance and how far is it the travel time. How to get from Ahmedabad to Pune by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike
The best way to get from Pune to Ahmedabad is to fly which takes 3h 4m and costs ₹3,700 - ₹15,000. Alternatively, you can train, which costs ₹330 - ₹7,500 and takes 11h 35m, you could also bus, which costs ₹650 - ₹6,000 and takes 17h 45m. Launch map view. Distance: 538.4 km.
Traveling from Ahmedabad to Pune by Car. The journey from Ahmedabad to Pune usually takes around 12-13 hours, depending on when you begin traveling and the season. The distance from Ahmedabad to Pune is 655-696 kilometers, as there are three possible routes to reach the city.