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  1. skill up的意思It's common in video games. It is like "level up" but usually for one category. It means you've gotten better or unlocked new powers.

  2. check it的同義字Check it - can be used to say if you need to check something, someone will ask you to 'check it'. Check it out - usually a more informal way of saying 'look at this' or 'you should have a look at this'. Check it up - isnt a term used in english, i think you may be referring to 'check up' like a check up the doctor's. Hope this helps, im happy to clarify anything 😊

  3. Jun 30, 2017 · prodigy的同義字Age factor is one of the differences between genius and prodigy that everyone identifies immediately but there are other differences too between a genius and a prodigy. When referring to people with high intelligence, we tend to use a wide range of words such as genius, prodigy, gifted, savant. A child prodigy is someone who does things normal people do, but at an unusually young age. This is what IQ tests claim to measure. A genius does things that extremely few other ...

  4. make ~ shit up的意思‘Make shit up’ or ‘make shits up’ These terms are taken from ‘make something up’, which means to talk or to describe something artificial, fake, not true. For example: ‘She made everything up about her family. Her family is not as rich as she bragged’ -> In this case, ‘She MADE everything UP’ means ‘She did not say anything true/real, she just told lies about her family’. |It means to say false things. He said that he can fly without wings, I ...

  5. can still的同義字@learning257 I would say that for the most part you would use can still I can still dance, it can still be fixed, but I would use still can't for negative sentences I still can't dance it still can't be fixed. The only exception I can think of is if you're answering a question. Can you still dance? I still can! Do you think it can be fixed? It still can, it just might be harder. I still can drive (If you stress 'can' in this sentence it might imply that you can drive ...

  6. "meet you"的同義字I think "meet you" means that you are meeting them for the first time, and that you have had no prior involvement with that person. Ex: "It's very nice to meet you." "Meet with you" and "meet up with you" implies that this was an arranged meeting, and therefore this is not the first interaction you have had with them. Ex: "I would like for the group to meet up to finish this project." "I'm glad I could meet with you so as to discuss your plans for the future." My ...

  7. A: A benchmark is a test of skill given by someone else, usually while you are still learning something and not after finishing learning. Ex: A benchmark test will be given halfway through the semester. Ex: I wish I had a benchmark to see how well I'm doing before the final test. An epitome is the absolute best project completed by someone in a ...

  8. grown man的同義字@nora77: grown man only refers to men. a grown man is an adult man, it is just another way to say adult man. a grown up is someone who is ,in your country, of legal age to be a grown up. I. America, a grown up is a person that is 18 years and older. grown up and adult are the same thing. these two words have the same meaning. Sentences: " you are a grown man now, congratulations". " this grown man has a wife and 2 kids" "you can pay for your own house, do you like being ...

  9. 被pua的意思Pick-Up Artist, to explain some people who always degrade you and control you |中文解释,套路,圈套,设计欺骗等诱导性骗局 英文 pick up artist 首字母缩写 英語 (美國) 法語 (法國) 德語 意大利語 日語 韓語 波蘭語 葡萄牙語 (巴西) 葡萄牙語 (葡萄牙) 俄語 中文 (簡體) 西班牙語 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁體,臺灣) 土耳其語 越南語

  10. [consumer/engineering] "price-performance ratio" is probably the most direct translation of 性价比, often applied to devices/tools (audio, cars, digital, phones, power, etc.) "This phone has a much better price-performance ratio than the flagship model." As @SeaPebbles already mentioned, "bang for [the/your] buck" is very colloquial but common and entirely appropriate. "These speakers give you great bang for your buck. For even more bang for the buck, you might consider..." [business ...

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