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  1. Use RIGHT w/ RTRIM (to avoid complications with a fixed-length column), and LEFT coupled with LEN (to only grab what you need, exempt of the last 3 characters). if there's ever a situation where the length is <= 3, then you're probably going to have to use a CASE statement so the LEFT call doesn't get greedy.

  2. Right Substring Statement SQL. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 8 months ago. Modified 6 years, 4 months ago ...

  3. Aug 9, 2010 · Couldn't edit so a second comment. This is the right answer. The greatest prevents the negative offset being longer than the string - i.e. substr('0123456789',-9) will give the 9 rightmost characters of the string. substr('0123456789',-12) gives NULL.

  4. Sep 25, 2013 · SELECT column1 , RIGHT(column2,NULLIF(CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(column2)),0)-1) as extracted , column3 FROM myTable If using MySQL just change CHARINDEX() to LOCATE() . I believe Oracle it's INSTR() and the first two parameters are switched, first it's the string you're searching in, then the string you're searching for.

  5. Nov 2, 2015 · UPDATE for SQL-Server 2016+ Regretfully the developers forgot to return the part's index with STRING_SPLIT. But, using SQL-Server 2016+, there is JSON_VALUE and OPENJSON. With JSON_VALUE we can pass in the position as the index' array. For OPENJSON the documentation states clearly:

  6. May 17, 2019 · sql select data to right of hyphen. 0. Trying to get all the text to the left of a string in SQL Server. 2

  7. The easiest way to right pad a string with spaces (without them being trimmed) is to simply cast the string as CHAR(length). MSSQL will sometimes trim whitespace from VARCHAR (because it is a VARiable-length data type).

  8. An SQL JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them. There are different types of joins available in SQL: INNER JOIN: returns rows when there is a match in both tables. LEFT JOIN: returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table.

  9. Dec 10, 2010 · I'm trying to remove text from my Description column after the "-" character. I know I would have to use the Right() function, but what would the syntax look like to loop through all the records and

  10. Jun 26, 2014 · What is the best practice for right-justifying a numeric in TSQL? I have to format a fixed length extract file and need to have the Numeric fields right justified. (I am using SQL Server 2005) I found this, which seems pretty straight forward. right(' '+convert(varchar(20),a.num),12) Here is the full Select statement