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  1. I have created a general multi replace string Oracle function by a table of varchar2 as parameter. The varchar will be replaced for the position rownum value of table. For example: Text: Hello {0}, this is a {2} for {1} Parameters: TABLE('world','all','message') Returns: Hello world, this is a message for all.

  2. 21. If you need to update the value in a particular table: UPDATE TABLE-NAME SET COLUMN-NAME = REPLACE(TABLE-NAME.COLUMN-NAME, 'STRING-TO-REPLACE', 'REPLACEMENT-STRING'); where. TABLE-NAME - The name of the table being updated. COLUMN-NAME - The name of the column being updated.

  3. Oct 15, 2014 · As the replaced string is fixed why not simply use that: SET column = SUBSTR(t.U_MSG, 1, LENGTH(t.U_MSG)-15) This is probably less clever than other solutions, but this will work even if, by unexpected twist of fate, the replaced string is present several times in some of your strings: SELECT 'PLEASE, CALL HELPDESK' U_MSG FROM DUAL.

  4. In table fg_rulez you put the strings with their replacement. In table fg_data you have your input strings. set define off; drop table fg_rulez. create table fg_rulez as. select 1 id,'<' symbol, 'less than' text from dual. union all select 2, '>', 'great than' from dual. union all select 3, '$', 'dollars' from dual.

  5. I want to write an SQL statement which finds all the cells that contain ? (may be more than one per cell) and replace them with '. I am sure that all ? have to be replaced without exception. I know there is a function replace but I couldn't know how to extract a character from a string in sql. This is one example I got but it couldn't help me.

  6. Jun 17, 2009 · 1. If you are doing in code then first check for table in database by using query SELECT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'XYZ'. if record found then truncate table otherwise create Table. Work like Create or Replace. answered Dec 24, 2013 at 6:22. Pradip Gavali. 9 1.

  7. Aug 15, 2014 · From within an Oracle 11g database, using SQL, I need to remove the following sequence of special characters from a string, i.e. If any of these characters exist within a string, except for these two characters, which I DO NOT want removed, i.e.: "|" and "-" then I would like them completely removed.

  8. Jun 7, 2016 · If you want to leave one space in place for every set of continuous space characters, just add the + to the regular expression and use a space as the replacement character. with x as (. select 'abc 123 234 5' str. from dual. ) select regexp_replace( str, '[[:space:]]+', ' ' ) from x. edited Jun 7, 2016 at 22:21.

  9. You'd use REGEXP_REPLACE in order to remove all non-digit characters from a string: select regexp_replace(column_name, '[^0-9]', '') from mytable; or. select regexp_replace(column_name, '[^[:digit:]]', '') from mytable; Of course you can write a function extract_number. It seems a bit like overkill though, to write a funtion that consists of ...

  10. Apr 5, 2017 · 3. got a query in regards to using an IF statement within a REPLACE statement (if it is possible!) Example: REPLACE("Person Legislative Information"."Marital Status",'Widowed','Widower') So that works, but I need an IF statement in there to distinguish between whether they are a Widower or a Widow based on their gender (which can be pulled from ...