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  1. Oct 6, 2008 · Alternatively to SQL, you can do this in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, from the table Design Panel. First Way. Slow double-click on the column. The column name will become an editable text box. Second Way. SqlManagement Studio>>DataBases>>tables>>specificTable>>Column Folder>>Right Click on column>>Reman.

  2. To rename a table in SQL Server, use the sp_rename command: One more thing: if any of the table names has a . in them, use [] around the table name. (I know, I know, but dots can happen...) E.g. sp_rename '[]', 'NewName' or with schema sp_rename '[]', 'NewName'.

  3. May 20, 2009 · 0. SQL Server table name can be changed in two ways. Execute the below query, by using the system stored procedure sp_rename. EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.old_table_name','new_table_name'; Open SSMS and expand the database folder. Right-click on a table and click Rename. Enter a new name by over writing on existing name and then Go to the file menu and ...

  4. Well there are 2 methods: Method 1: A well-known method for renaming database schema is by dumping the schema using Mysqldump and restoring it in another schema, and then dropping the old schema (if needed). From Shell. mysqldump emp > emp.out. mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE employees;" mysql employees < emp.out.

  5. 2. SELECT col1 As Foo, col2 As Bar FROM foobar. By the way: Don't use "SELECT*" in a SQL query. Unnecessary columns may get fetched that will add expense to the data retrieval time. The database engine cannot utilize the benefit of "Covered Index" and hence the query performs slowly. – Tim Schmelter.

  6. Renaming a stored procedure, function, view, or trigger will not change the name of the corresponding object name in the definition column of the sys.sql_modules catalog view. Therefore, we recommend that sp_rename not be used to rename these object types. Instead, drop and re-create the object with its new name.

  7. Oct 21, 2016 · Use SSMS to take the database Offline (right-click on Database, select Tasks, Take Offline), change the name of the files at the OS level and then Bring it Online. You could Detach the database, rename the files and then Attach the database pointing to the renamed files to do so. You could Backup the database and then restore, changing the file ...

  8. Aug 20, 2015 · I was trying to rename a schema using the following steps: Drop all of the tables belonging to that schema*. Create new EF migration with renamed schema. Use the .NET CLI command to recreate the tables: dotnet ef database update. The above operations completed, but the schema was not renamed.

  9. Dec 18, 2015 · FOR MYSQL : Use ALTER TABLE to do this. ALTER TABLE tbl_name CHANGE [COLUMN] old_col_name new_col_name. You can rename a column using a CHANGE old_col_name new_col_name column_definition clause. To do so, specify the old and new column names and the definition that the column currently has. For example, to rename an INTEGER column from a to b ...

  10. 10. The simplest way to rename SQL server physical database files is: Open and connect to the SQL server where the database you wanted to rename is located. Execute the following script in the query window in order to change the physical and logical names.

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