Search results
Who was the winning pitcher of the 2018 MLB All-Star game? Baseball , Mlb , Sports. Show answer. Russel Brown. 163 208.
Who is the leader of Team Instinct in "Pokemon GO"? Entertainment , Pokemon , Pop Culture. Show answer. Russel Brown. 100 133.
Zohan is primarily set in which city? Entertainment , Movies. Show answer. Russel Brown. 454 387.
Hank Kingsley from which show used the catch phrase "Hey now!"? Catch Phrases , Entertainment , Tv Shows. Show answer. Russel Brown.
With a population around 3.5 million, what is the capital of Bangladesh? General , Geography , World. Show answer.
Who was the Czech foreign minister who died mysteriously following the Communist coup in that country in 1948? General , History , World. Show answer. Russel Brown. 102 143.
On "Seinfeld", which movie star does George have coffee with in an episode of Seinfeld? Entertainment , Seinfeld , Sitcoms. Show answer. Russel Brown.
Which character on "The Office" starts his own paper company in season 5? Entertainment , Sitcoms , The Office. Show answer. Russel Brown. 93 99.
The Carvel ice cream company is named for which man? Desserts , Food , General. Show answer. Russel Brown. 76 72.
What is the name of the fast-food place that Tammy robbed in the 2014 film "Tammy"? 2010s , Entertainment , Movies. Show answer. Russel Brown. 87 99.