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Feb 15, 2016 · The opposite of modal is modeless. Modeless windows don't block the main window, so the user can switch their focus between them, treating them as palette windows." The answer uses modal incorrectly. Dialogs may be modal (prompt, alert) or modeless (options, preferences, enter or analyze data, etc). –
May 28, 2015 · The modal window is a child window that requires users to interact with it before it can return to operating the parent application, thus preventing the workflow on the application main window. Modal windows are often called heavy windows or modal dialogs because the window is often used to display a dialog box.
Oct 1, 2015 · Helps keep a consistent design by size/height vs a modal that could have various width and height sizes. Do not require space all around, top, bottom, left, right vs modal does. Helps keep better context of the primary screen vs popup that blocks the primary view. Slide out do not require immediate attention and action by the user, thus less ...
Jan 20, 2012 · A modal dialog is a window that forces the user to interact with it before they can go back to using the parent application. A great example of this would be a prompt for saving, or the "open file" dialog. They are often used when a user is forced to make an important decision. Say you were working on a document in Microsoft Word, and you chose ...
Dec 2, 2016 · A modal tends to be a specific term. It refers to a 'box' that has to be interacted with before you can interact with the rest of the application. On a web page, it's usually an in-page dialog. In a desktop app, it's usually a separate window within the application (or in OSX, for example, it's a 'drawer' attached to an existing application window)
1. Success Toast or Modal? web desktop/tablet. User is on detailed page and clicks review > review takes user to a page with outliers > user completes actions on page > user clicks CTA Reviewed > User is taken back to detailed page. I am not sure if I should have a simple success toast or a success modal... A success toast might be nice to put ...
Same for registration: you want to lower the barrier to creating an account, so a simple modal panel with the bare minimum data points is the way to go. You're also going to have certain workflows where users will come in via a restricted access URL (their orders, posts, account prefs, etc).
I like having login and registration appear in a modal-style popup over the current page in most cases. I usually think in terms of the user's tasks. By popping these things in a modal, you're introducing a sub-task, while the primary task remains in the background.
Jan 17, 2017 · At the bottom of each content page I want to list my products as thumbnails. Version A: Click on a thumbnail opens a modal with the product information. Version B: There is a product page that lists all products with its information above each other. Click on a thumbnail takes the user to the product page, where the page auto scrolls to the ...
May 5, 2011 · It requires the least amount of context switching. It's quick. Soft modals. Example: Windows Start Menus. They are rich controls and can have forms, but they spawn off a single menu and can be dismissed by clicking anywhere. These are good to use from menus. Full Modals. These mask the entire screen and allow ONLY interaction with the modal.