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  1. Sep 18, 2023 · To grant Select Privilege to a table named “users” where User Name is Amit, the following GRANT statement should be executed. The general syntax of specifying a username is: ‘user_name’@’address

  2. › sql-server-administration › sql-server-grantSQL Server GRANT

    Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the SQL Server GRANT statement to grant permissions on a database object to a user.

  3. › mysql-administration › mysql-grantMySQL GRANT - MySQL Tutorial

    You use the GRANT statement to assign one or more privileges to the user account. Here’s the basic syntax of the GRANT statement: GRANT privilege [,privilege],.. ON privilege_level . TO account_name; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) In this syntax: First, specify one or more privileges after the GRANT keyword.

  4. MySQL provides GRANT statements to give access rights to a user account. GRANT Statement. The grant statement enables system administrators to assign privileges and roles to the MySQL user accounts so that they can use the assigned permission on the database whenever required. Syntax. The following are the basic syntax of using the GRANT statement:

  5. Feb 1, 2024 · Grants permissions on a securable to a principal. The general concept is to GRANT <some permission> ON <some object> TO <some user, login, or group>. For a general discussion of permissions, see Permissions (Database Engine). Transact-SQL syntax conventions.

  6. You can GRANT and REVOKE permissions on various database objects in SQL Server. User permissions are at the database level. You can grant any or a combination of the following types of permissions: Select: Grants user the ability to perform Select operations on the table.

  7. GRANT. priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ... ON [object_type] priv_level . TO user_or_role [, user_or_role] ... [WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS user . [WITH ROLE. DEFAULT. | NONE. | ALL EXCEPT role [, role ] ... | role [, role ] ... ] ] } GRANT PROXY ON user_or_role .

  8. May 23, 2023 · Granting ALL is equivalent to granting the following permissions: BACKUP DATABASE, BACKUP LOG, CREATE DEFAULT, CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE RULE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW.

  9. Sep 28, 2023 · The 'GRANT' statement is used to give user's permissions to a database. The syntax for the 'GRANT' statement is: GRANT privilege_name. ON object_name. TO {user_name |PUBLIC |role_name} [WITH GRANT OPTION]; Let's consider an example: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON mydb TO 'user1'@'localhost';

  10. Oct 4, 2023 · Grants permissions on a table, view, table-valued function, stored procedure, extended stored procedure, scalar function, aggregate function, service queue, or synonym. Transact-SQL syntax conventions. Syntax. syntaxsql. Copy. GRANT <permission> [ ,...n ] ON . [ OBJECT :: ][ schema_name ]. object_name [ ( column_name [ ,...n ] ) ] .

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