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  1. An import-package is basically a directory that contains pythonic modules (i.e. .py/.pyc files) and an file to declare that this folder is indeed a package. In the question's example this is the directory that included and Opposed to that, a distribution-package is: A versioned archive file that contains Python ...

  2. Aug 24, 2017 · In my script, I imported 5 external modules this way : import numpy as np import as sio import pandas import IPython from termcolor import cprint I want to get a complete list of external modules and versions imported above, so I wrote the following script :

  3. Dec 3, 2018 · In a Python project, how do you tell the built-in VSCode debugger to step into the code of functions from other libraries on execution? I know it is possible for functions implemented in standard

  4. Jun 19, 2019 · Even though I set up a virtual environment, the integrated terminal was natively pointing at a different Python. So modules installed by running pip in the terminal's Python were available to the terminal, but not accessible to workspace files running in it. Any idea how to get the terminal to use the same Python as the rest of the workspace? i.e.

  5. Aug 1, 2019 · PS C:\Users\m\Desktop\Python> py -m. to which you should append the command prepared on the Python library platform (by copying it and pasting). C:\Users\m\Desktop\Python> py -m pip install openpyxl. That's it. The package should be installed in your Python folder, what you will see in the terminal.

  6. Feb 17, 2012 · If you want to load an external Python file and run it inside the current interpreter without the burden to dealing with modules, you can use the standard importlib.util module. This is useful when you need to ship some Python scripts for demonstration purposes, but you don't want to make them part of a (sub-)module--while still being able to run them automatically, like during integration testing.

  7. Nov 20, 2017 · Add excludes=['external_module'] to the Analysis object used in the PyInstaller spec. This prevents being bundled into the executable. Add sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) where external_module is imported in your application. This allows it to be imported from the directory the executable is in, which is ...

  8. Nov 29, 2021 · Yes, according to Installing Python Modules (Legacy version) modules packaged using distutils should be downloaded, unpacked and command. python install. or similar should be run. Beware that. The entire distutils package has been deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12. answered Nov 29, 2021 at 12:22.

  9. loaders = collections.OrderedDict() # Names's of build-in modules. for module_name in sys.builtin_module_names: # Find an information about a module by name. module = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) # Add a key about a loader in the dict, if not exists yet. if module.loader not in loaders:

  10. Beware of the fact that Python caches import statements. In the rare case that you have two different folders sharing a single class name (classX), the approach of adding a path to sys.path, importing classX, removing the path and repeating for the reamaining paths won't work. Python will always load the class from the first path from its cache.

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