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  1. Jan 2, 2018 · This depends on how you define a digit; [0-9] tends to be just the ASCII ones (or possibly something else that is neither ASCII nor a superset of ASCII but the same 10 digits as in ASCII only with different bit representations (EBCDIC)); \d on the other hand could either be just the plain digits (old versions of Perl, or modern versions of Perl with the /a regular expression flag enabled) or it could be a Unicode match of \p{Digit} which is rather a larger set of digits than [0-9] or /\d/a ...

  2. Mar 8, 2018 · 1. @AbdAllahTalaat this has nothing to do with echo, actually. The shell (e.g. bash) will "expand" the [[:digit:]] before passing it to echo, so echo never sees [[:digit:]], it sees only 1 3. You can see this in action by running set -x which will print the actual commands being run (run set +x to turn it off again).

  3. I need to find specific length numbers in a big document. I tried to use regex for this. For example, If I need to search for numbers with exactly 2 digits, I use \d\d (i.e. /d twice followed by a ...

  4. Apr 13, 2016 · 3. You can change [[:digit:]] to [0-9] - note [:digit:] is inside […]. This depends on the encoding of the input. If it is ASCII, I don't think there will be a problem. With other encodings, the digits may not be contiguous, or the byte range maybe different. You could also miss special numbers in other writing systems.

  5. Dec 31, 2014 · 0 is a digit, as is 1 (for the sticky bit) or 6 (for SGID). A command such as chmod can be called by other methods, such as chmod ug+rw mydir where you would add the read and write permissions to user and group. Note that the mode in this case (ug+rw) does not begin with a digit, thus would not be interpretted as octal but rather symbolic.

  6. I am doing some challenges. This is one them. I am trying to brute-force 4 digit pin with the password to get my desired answer. After connecting to the port It prompts me to enter the password then space then 4 digit pin. I tried to brute-force the pin using the script:

  7. The digit classes are same as for globbing, just that you need ^ instead of ! to invert the character class. If you want to get the output of ls, then you can use -exec ls like this: find . -maxdepth 1 -regex '\./.*[^0-9][0-9]\.txt' -exec ls -lah {} \; find supports a couple of different regex flavors. You can specify a -regextype, for example:

  8. Apr 13, 2019 · That is, filter out (with -v) the lines that start with a digit optionally followed by the rest a line ending in a digit, allowing whitespace at the start and ned. Those ones could however fail to remove lines like 8xx<non-character>yy8 where <non-character> is a sequence of bytes that don't form a valid character in the current locale.

  9. Apr 2, 2018 · The first digit is "9" The ${numbers:0:1} parameter expansion in bash give you the substring of length 1 from the start of the string (offset zero). This is a bash -specific parameter substitution (also in some other shells, but not in the POSIX standard).

  10. Mar 24, 2014 · rev is the obvious and probably the best answer. But rev is not always installed by default. If you want to do this purely with coreutils you can use this longer command: echo 123 | fold -w1 | tac | paste -d '' -s -. fold -w1 puts each digit on a line. tac is a reverse cat, i.e. reverses the order of the lines.

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