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  1. PL/SQL lets you define two kinds of composite data types: collection and record. A composite data type stores values that have internal components. You can pass entire composite variables to subprograms as parameters, and you can access internal components of composite variables individually. Internal components can be either scalar or composite.

  2. Mar 16, 2024 · Collections can be populated and manipulated as whole using ‘BULK’ option in Oracle. Table of Content: What is Collection? Varrays. Nested Tables. Index-by-table. Constructor and Initialization Concept in Collections. Collection Methods. Collections are classified based on the structure, subscript, and storage as shown below.

  3. A collection is an ordered group of elements having the same data type. Each element is identified by a unique subscript that represents its position in the collection. PL/SQL provides three collection types −. Index-by tables or Associative array. Nested table. Variable-size array or Varray.

  4. Oracle provides three basic collections, each with an assortment of methods. This article was originally written against Oracle 8i, but it includes operators, conditions and functions that were added in later releases. Index-By Tables (Associative Arrays) Nested Table Collections. Varrays Collections.

  5. Nov 2, 2020 · An Oracle PL/SQL collection is a single-dimensional array; it consists of one or more elements accessible through an index value. Collections are used in some of the most important performance optimization features of PL/SQL, such as. BULK COLLECT.

  6. Collections and records are composite types that have internal components that can be manipulated individually, such as the elements of an array, record, or table. A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. It is a general concept that encompasses lists, arrays, and other datatypes used in classic programming algorithms.

  7. Oracle PL/SQL collections and records are data structures that allow for the storage and manipulation of multiple values or rows of data within a single variable or object. Collections are a group of similar data elements, such as a group of strings or numbers.

  8. A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. It is a general concept that encompasses lists, arrays, and other familiar datatypes. Each element has a unique subscript that determines its position in the collection. PL/SQL offers these collection types:

  9. Feb 18, 2013 · 23. Let's start with Nested Tables, they are the most common form of collection and so represent a useful basis of comparison. A nested table is a variable which can hold more than one instance of something, often a record from a database table. They might be declared like this: type emp_nt is table of emp%rowtype; emp_rec_nt emp_nt;

  10. COLLECT is an aggregate function that takes as its argument a column of any type and creates a nested table of the input type out of the rows selected. To get accurate results from this function you must use it within a CAST function. If column is itself a collection, then the output of COLLECT is a nested table of collections.