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  1. The CEPT Foundation Programme, set up in July 2018, provides the first step in this direction. The programme believes in an intersectional approach which encourages students to learn across discipline boundaries, evolving an understanding of the interconnected nature of their future professional lives.

  2. By working hands-on with different materials and joining elements, they begin to understand details, and the models of structural systems them to articulate a design better by ensuring that they understand the basics of load distribution, stress.

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  4. CEPT Foundation Program (CFP) 2023-24. The CEPT Foundation Program identifies a set of skills, abilities, and capacities required by first-year undergraduate students and guides the students to achieve excellence in them.

  5. The Foundation Programme at CEPT University. CEPT University focuses on understanding, designing, planning, constructing and managing human habitat. Its teaching programmes build thoughtful professionals and its research programmes deepen the understanding of human habitat and environment.

  6. Students seeking admission to all undergraduate programs at CEPT will study the CEPT Foundation Programme 2020-21 for the first year. Students enrolled in the undergraduate programs will need to have the following before the semester begins.

  7. Sep 9, 2020 · The CEPT Foundation Program is envisioned to achieve excellence in the skills, abilities, and capacities required by first-year students while ensuring that they also have a strong work ethic.