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  1. Chat with Google AI to boost your creativity and productivity. Gemini is the new name of Bard, a writing, planning and learning assistant.

  2. Isprobajte Bard, eksperiment umjetne inteligencije od Googlea, koji vam pomaže u pisanju, planiranju, učenju i još mnogo toga. Gemini je nova aplikacija koja vam omogućuje da razgovarate s Bardom i dobijete kreativne ideje i savjete. Preuzmite Gemini danas i otkrijte što sve Google AI može učiniti za vas.

  3. Google Gemini helps boost creativity and productivity with AI-powered chat for writing, planning, and learning.

    • What Bard is
    • Productivity
    • Creativity
    • Curiosity
    • Pre-training
    • Responses to user prompts
    • Human feedback and evaluation
    • Known limitations of LLM-based interfaces like Bard
    • Accuracy
    • Bias
    • Persona
    • False positives / negatives
    • Vulnerability to adversarial prompting
    • How to use Bard
    • Multiple drafts
    • Double-check with “Google it”
    • Citations
    • Google Lens in Bard
    • Bard Extensions
    • Modify drafts
    • Pinned & recent threads
    • Share & export
    • Build on shared conversations
    • Give feedback
    • Limited turns
    • Application of our AI Principles
    • Enabling publisher choice and control
    • Improving Bard together
    • Acknowledgments
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    Bard is designed as an interface to an LLM that enables users to collaborate with generative AI. We believe one of the promises of LLM-based innovations like Bard is to help people unlock their human potential so they can augment their imagination, expand their curiosity, and enhance their productivity. We launched Bard as an experiment in March 20...

    We believe users will be able to maximize their time by collaborating with Bard. For example, say a user is planning a party; Bard can help them come up with their to-do list and draft an outline of the invitation — helping free up the user’s time and brainspace to dedicate to higher-level tasks. Bard can also help with coding tasks, and coding ha...

    Bard can also help bring a user’s ideas to life or spark their creativity in new ways. For example, if a user is writing a blog post, Bard can outline it — providing a starting point so they do not have to face a blank page. We also see Bard inspire creativity by generating poems, short stories, taglines and other imaginative endeavors.

    Bard can be a jumping of point for users’ curiosity as they explore ideas or topics of interest. For instance, Bard can explain a complex concept simply or surface relevant insights on a topic, which might inspire a user to explore and learn more. Caption: Bard, your creative & helpful collaborator

    Bard is powered by one of our most capable large language models, and, similar to most LLMs today, was pre-trained on a variety of data from publicly available sources. This pre-training allows the model to learn to pick up on paterns in language and use them to predict the next probable word or words in a sequence. For example, as an LLM learns, i...

    Once a user provides a prompt, Bard uses the context in the prompt and the interaction with the user to draft several versions of a response. Bard then classifies and checks its responses against predetermined safety parameters. Responses that pass through these technical guardrails are then re-ranked based on quality, with the higher-quality respo...

    Our early work on instruction fine-tuning on FLAN demonstrated that fine-tuning with a relatively small amount of human assistance and feedback, as well as additional engineering, provided in various forms (e.g., fine-tuning, well-designed prompt engineering and user prompting, corrections or modeling of what a high-quality response would look like...

    Bard is part of our long-term, ongoing efort to develop LLMs responsibly, and throughout the course of this work, we have discovered and discussed several limitations associated with LLMs. Here, we focus on five areas that we continue to work on: (a) accuracy: Bard’s responses might be inaccurate, especially when asked about complex or factual topi...

    Bard is grounded in Google’s understanding of quality information, and is trained to generate responses that are relevant to the context and in line with users’ intent. But like all LLMs, Bard can sometimes generate responses that contain inaccurate or misleading information while presenting it confidently and convincingly. Since the underlying mec...

    Training data, including from publicly available sources, reflects a diversity of perspectives and opinions. We continue to research how to use this data in a way that ensures that an LLM’s response incorporates a wide range of viewpoints, while preventing ofensive responses. Gaps, biases and stereotypes in training data can result in a model refle...

    Bard might at times generate responses that seem to suggest it has opinions or emotions, like love or sadness, since it has trained on language that people use to reflect the human experience. We have developed a set of guidelines around how Bard might represent itself (i.e., persona) and continue to fine-tune the model to provide objective, neutra...

    To prevent Bard from responding to prompts it’s not yet trained to address or outputing harmful or ofensive content, we’ve put in place a set of technical guardrails. The goal of these guardrails is to prevent problematic responses, but Bard can sometimes misinterpret these guardrails, producing “false positives” and “false negatives.” In a “false ...

    We expect users to test the limits of what Bard can do and atempt to break Bard’s protections, including trying to get it to divulge its training data or other information, or try to get around its safety mechanisms. We have tested and continue to test Bard rigorously, but we know users will find unique, complex ways to stress test it further. This...

    Our years of experience with LLMs has highlighted the need to equip users with the tools to understand and manage an LLM’s limitations, as well as get the most value from its capabilities. And so, as users try Bard, they will find several purposeful choices that we are experimenting with, and a subset are outlined below.

    As mentioned, Bard can generate a variety of responses, even from the same or similar prompts and questions. We have seen that users appreciate being able to view some of these diferent responses, especially in the case of creative prompts — for example, poems or short stories — or when there is no single right answer for the prompt. When a user se...

    Bard makes it easy for users to corroborate its responses and/or further explore sources on the web. When a user clicks on the “G” icon below the response, Bard reads the response and evaluates whether there is content across the web to substantiate it. When a statement can be evaluated, a user can click the highlighted phrases and learn more about...

    Bard, like other standalone LLM-based interfaces, is designed to generate original outputs based on its underlying prediction mechanism. At times, its output might reference existing content as part of its responses. If Bard directly quotes at length from a webpage, it cites that page so users can easily go there to learn more about the topic. For ...

    Bard has become more visual both in how users can prompt it and how it responds. We have brought the power of Google Lens into Bard, so now users can upload images alongside text in their prompts to Bard, and Bard will analyze the photo to help. Bard also can use Google Search images in its responses. Caption: Bard can collaborate using Google Lens

    With Extensions, Bard can connect to Google apps and services and respond with real-time information from Google Maps, Flights, Hotels, and YouTube — even when the information needed is spread across multiple apps or services. Bard will pick the best extensions to respond to a user’s prompt, or the user can request a specific one. A user can also c...

    If a user would like to see a diferent set of responses, they can ask Bard to “regenerate drafts.” This can be useful in cases where Bard did not follow instructions, where it generated lower-quality responses or if the user simply wants Bard to have another go at responding to the same prompt. By selecting the “modify response” buton, users can al...

    Users can pin and rename their interactions with Bard so they can easily resume or revisit recent conversations in the sidebar.

    Users can select a one-click option to export content generated by Bard, including formating, directly into Google Docs or Gmail, or for code, Colab or Replit, to simplify their workflow. They can also create a public link to share their ideas and creations with others.

    When someone shares a Bard conversation through a public link, another user can continue the conversation and ask Bard additional questions about that topic or use it as a starting point for their own ideas and conversation.

    Bard has built-in feedback mechanisms. Users can mark good responses with the thumbs up buton and bad ones with the thumbs down, and use “Report legal issue” when appropriate.

    Multi-turn interactions with Bard — meaning, interactions between a user and Bard with several back-and-forth responses — can be engaging, but they are also more prone to some of the challenges discussed. And so, to enable more topical and helpful interactions with Bard, Bard’s ability to hold context is purposefully limited for now. And as Bard co...

    Underpinning all our work on Bard is a focus on responsibility and safety. Our development of Bard is guided by Google’s AI Principles — chief among them delivering substantial social benefit. We have outlined some of the early, promising applications of Bard above, which require a sustainable web content ecosystem. We’re commited to innovating in ...

    Bard is an interface to a large language model that allows users to collaborate with generative AI. Learn how Bard works, what it can do, and how Google is improving it based on user feedback and research.

    Bard is an interface to a large language model that allows users to collaborate with generative AI. Learn how Bard works, what it can do, and how Google is improving it based on user feedback and research.

    Bard is an interface to a large language model that allows users to collaborate with generative AI. Learn how Bard works, what it can do, and how Google is improving it based on user feedback and research.

    Bard is an interface to a large language model that allows users to collaborate with generative AI. Learn how Bard works, what it can do, and how Google is improving it based on user feedback and research.

  4. A dedicated page for Google's Gemini project, offering information and resources in English for Australian users.

  5. Mar 21, 2023 · Bard is a collaborative interface that lets you ask and interact with a large language model (LLM) powered by Google. You can use Bard to boost your productivity, creativity and curiosity, and give feedback to improve it over time.

  6. May 10, 2023 · There’s a lot ahead for Bard — connecting tools from Google and amazing services across the web, to help you do and create anything you can imagine, through a fluid collaboration with our most capable large language models.

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