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  1. The soil profile at a site consists of 10 m of gravelly sandunderlain by a soft clay layer. The water table lies 1 m belowthe ground level. The moist and saturated unit weights of thegravelly sand are 17.0 kN/m3 and 20.0 kN/m3, respectively.Due to some ongoing construction work, it is proposed tolower the water table to 3 m below the ground level.

  2. The soil profile at a site for a proposed office building consists of a layer of fine sand 10.4 m thickabove a layer of soft, normally consolidated clay 2 m thick. Below the soft clay is a deposit of coarsesand. The groundwater table was observed at 3 m below ground level. Above the groundwater table,saturation is 50%.

  3. Civil Engineering. Example 9.3: Figure 9.30 represents the average soil profile obtained from boreholes, at ground water table is at a depth of 3.5 m. It is estimated that the additional stress on the the site of a proposed building whose foundation is to be placed at a depth of 2.5 m. The clay layer due to the weight of the building will be ...

  4. Engineering. Civil Engineering. Problem 7: The soil profile at the site consists of 5.0 m of silty sand underlain by 13 m of clay. The groundwater table is at a depth of 2.8 m below the ground surface. The silty sand has a unit weight of 19 kN/m3 above the groundwater table and 20 kN/m³ below. The clay has a unit weight of 15.7 kN/m³.

  5. Engineering. Civil Engineering. Q: For the soil profile shown in figure, 1- Determine the total stress, effective stress, and pore water pressure at points A, B, C, and D. 2- Plot the total stress, effective stress, and pore water pressure with depth for the entire soil profile.

  6. Publisher: KASSIMALI, Aslam. Consider the soil profile shown in Figure 11.44 subjected to the uniformly distributed load, Ds, on the ground surface. Given: Ds = 26 kN/m 2; H 1 = 1.83 m; H 2 = 3.66 m; and H 3 = 5.5 m. Soil characteristics are as follows: Estimate the primary consolidation settlement in the clay if.

  7. For the soil profile shown in the figure (1): 1- Calculate total vertical stress at the middle of the last layer 2- Draw vertical effective stress diagram 3- Find the total, pore water pressure and effective stresses at the middle of each layer N.G.S Ya=14.1 kN/m 2m e=0.54 Gs=2.75 2m 4m 1.5m Ysat=12.4 kN/m³ Ysat=18.6 kN/m 3.5m Dll

  8. A soil profile consisting of three layers is shown in the figure. Calculate the values of the total stress, effective stress ad pore waterpressureat points A, B, C, and D for the following cases. In each case, plot the variations with depth. Characteristics of layers 1, 2, and 3 for each case are given below. Transcribed Image Text: 7.

  9. Question. The first picture is soil profile A, and the second picture would be Soil profile B. Transcribed Image Text: Using the figure below, which soil profile is more developed? Why? Ah Bw Bt • In the 2nd soil profile, what do you think were the dominant processes that led to the development of the soil? Explain.

  10. A soil profile is shown in the figure below. A uniformly distributed load, Ao , is applied at the ground surface equal to 100 kPa. Ao 100 kN/m2 2m Yary= 14 kN/m Groundwater table 4 m Yat - 18 kN/m Yu-19 kN/m 3.5 m Void ratio, e =0.8 LL-40 O Sand E Clay What is the settlement (in mm) of the clay layer caused by primary consolidation if the clay has a preconsolidation pressure of 150 kPa?

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