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  1. Jun 4, 2020 · 3. Nippon means "sun origin" or "land of the rising sun". From the direction and point of view of the older, larger civilisation of the continent to the West - China - the island of Japan were in the general direction of where the sun rises, with no known lands further East beyond them. China was a powerful cultural influence for Japan.

  2. Welcome to Land of Rising Sun. We are a supernatural role play group.

  3. Feb 4, 2018 · What I mean is this. In the morning the rotation of the Earth is towards the Sun, increasing the frequency of the wavelengths of light we observe. Shorter wavelengths tend toward the blue hues, and the light of the day appears blueish. In the afternoon the rotation of the earth is away from the sun causing longer observed wavelengths or ...

  4. What exactly does it mean that Japan is the "land of the rising sun"? [closed] Only in later years have I understood anything about how our planet moves around itself and around the Sun, and how it therefore appears to always "rise in the East" and "set in the West", apparently "...

  5. Apr 24, 2015 · As the Sun's light passes through the atmosphere it get scattered by the air molecules and particles in the air such as dust and aerosols. Due to a phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering the shorter wavelengths of light (greens, blues, violets) are scattered first, leaving the shorter wavelengths (yellows, oranges and reds) to travel further.

  6. Aug 8, 2021 · If all land ice melted, sea level would rise approximately 70 meters (230 feet) worldwide. Also, just because melting sea ice doesn't directly contribute to rising sea levels, doesn't mean it isn't still a factor. From another NSIDC article, What are the impacts of Arctic sea ice loss?: Sea ice loss contributes to Arctic amplification

  7. Feb 18, 2017 · Latent heat, along with birds, ride those rising columns of air. This brings up a third and the ultimate mechanism by which the Earth's heat escapes into space, which is electromagnetic radiation. Every object, including the Earth's surface, absorbs and radiates heat electromagnetically. The atmosphere does the same.

  8. Apr 26, 2021 · More sun = more heat. More heat = higher ground pressure (just like heating a bottle) Higher ground pressure = Hot air wants to expend to all directions; Expending air (also) the vertical axis = rising air, cloud formation. That is coherent with the notions. that high-pressure areas come from the equator while low-pressure areas come from the poles

  9. An experienced Polynesian navigator would be the best person to answer this question but as a qualified ocean yacht master and having taught Coastguard courses including navigation, I believe there is some evidence to show that within the trade wind latitudes, where the winds are often steady and constant for extended periods of time; the refraction patterns in the waves which result from waves combining after passing islands, may be detectable beyond the horizon.

  10. Per Wikipedia: A seamount is a mountain rising from the ocean seafloor that does not reach to the water's surface (sea level), and thus is not an island. Per Oxford Dictionary: Submarine means "Existing, occurring, done, or used under the surface of the sea." Per NOAA: A seamount is an underwater mountain on the seafloor.