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FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available.
FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture statistics (including crop, livestock, and forestry sub-sectors) for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available.
May 29, 2017 · FAO introduced a new and updated FAOSTAT website, making the world's most comprehensive statistical database on food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, natural resource management and nutrition even more accessible.
Mar 14, 2023 · FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year... read more Social
The global agricultural production of primary crops grew by 54 percent between 2000 and 2021, as mentioned above, reaching 9.5 billion tonnes in 2021 (Figure 1) that were used as food, feed or inputs to be transformed into products ranging from biofuels to cosmetics.
The Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT) website disseminates statistical data collected and maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). FAOSTAT data are provided as a time-series from 1961 in most domains for 245 countries in English, Spanish and French.
FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available.
The freely accessible FAOSTAT data platform contains the largest statistical database on food and agriculture in the world, with approximately 20 000 indicators covering more than 245 countries and territories, and around 2 million views each year.
Dec 27, 2023 · FAOSTAT provides key data that harmonize agricultural production data collected for 199 countries and territories for the period 2000-2022. FAOSTAT agricultural production domain covers data on crop and livestock commodities from production volumes to harvested areas and animal slaughtering rates.
The freely accessible FAOSTAT data platform contains the largest statistical database on food and agriculture in the world, with approximately 20 000 indicators covering more than 245 countries and territories, and around two million users each year.